Olivia Plath Goes On Bizarre Rant Can’t Let Kim Go?

Olivia Plath - Welcome To Plathville

Recently, Welcome To Plathville star, Olivia Plath went off on her ex-mother-in-law, Kim Plath. While some people believe Olivia makes some very good points, others wonder if she will ever move beyond her past.

Olivia Plath Is Processing Her Past

Since Welcome To Plathville Season 6 started, there has been a major focus on Ethan and Olivia Plath’s divorce. But Olivia is moving on with her new guy in the real world. However, as she builds on her new relationship, she is also processing the trauma from her past. As such, she is reliving many of the discussions she had with Ethan and his mother, Kim Plath. Undeniably, it is difficult for her to move on since her childhood was riddled with a lifestyle of burying emotions. After she has an explosive rant about her ex-mother-in-law, some fans wonder if she will ever be able to let it go.

Olivia Plath - TLC - YouTube (1)
Olivia Plath – TLC – YouTube

Olivia Plath Goes On Bizarre Rant

On Reddit, Welcome To Plathville fans talk about how Olivia Plath went on a rant about Kim Plath after moving on with a new guy. At first, a user says, “Olivia’s Rant & Kim’s Bizzare Dream Olivia 📷.” Then, they add, “Posting incase this gets dirty deleted. First thought, I fully believe she wants to clear up a timeline with her and her current boyfriend. Second, the plane dream seemed super manipulative of Kim to me. I was thinking she probably shared that with Olivia to scare them from moving or traveling anywhere. Interested in reading your thoughts/opinions!”

Olivia Plath isn't buying into Kim's blame about her relationship. - Reddit/Instagram
Olivia Plath isn’t buying into Kim’s blame about her relationship. – Reddit/Instagram

Olivia Plath Calls Out Kim For Contradicting Comments

At first, Olivia Plath discusses how wild it is that she courted and married Ethan Plath in such a quick fashion, which was orchestrated by their fundamentalist families. Additionally, she talks about getting to know her current partner over the last year. It makes her realize how naive she was at nineteen believing she knew Ethan Plath well enough to get married after being in a distanced courtship that was less than a year.

During the video, Olivia pointedly says that Kim never thought her and Ethan’s relationship would work. But she also brings up a dream that Kim had that was contradictory to that idea. According to Olivia, Kim dreamt that Olivia and Ethan died in a plane crash. Then, goes on to say how devasted she was that Olivia, her “almost daughter” was lost in the crash. But the kicker was that she was more torn up about Olivia dying than losing her son, Ethan.

  • One fan says, “I’ve known my partner for two years and I’m still learning stuff about them, you’ll always learn about the person so I love that she is taking her time and getting to know this new person in her life!”
  • “I was disgusted when Barry and Kim made that comment about knowing the relationship was doomed from the start. So, not surprised it irked Olivia. I’m glad she’s awake too. I can only hope the same for every woman oppressed by religion.”
  • “Her hair looks so good 😊 I love how she is free and speaking out about Kim’s crazy a**. The airplane thing WTF!”

Some Fans Think She Can’t Let Kim Go

After the initial post, Welcome To Plathville fans weigh in on Olivia Plath’s rant. Some were very confused that she couldn’t seem to let the bitterness with Kim Plath go.

  • “No,she knew exactly who she was marrying because she was brought up in that environment around people with those exact mindset so she knew the type of person that Ethan probably was and his parents. Her own parents had those same values. It’s that she changed and he didn’t change enough. She loves to hear herself talk. I like Ethan and think he will do fine with a woman who’s values align with his and Olivia is doing the same. Move on already.”
  • “Her exaggerated faces and eye movement hurt my head. that being said, i’m glad she’s free from those freaks.”
Olivia Plath calls out Kim for lying to them during the marriage. - Reddit/Instagram
Olivia Plath calls out Kim for lying to them during the marriage. – Reddit/Instagram
  • “Idk I’m kind of at the point where the less she can seem bothered by them the better.. for me. This wasn’t it. And I don’t like any of them. I’m just saying. It will make her look ‘crazy’ even if she’s completely in the right.”
  • “Why is she still relevant? What she does not realize is that she is a lot like Kim.”
  • “The victim mentality is a bit much. And her expressions, always acting. Olivia needs to get on with her life. The bitterness is not healthy.”
Some viewers wonder if she will be able to move on. - Reddit
Some viewers wonder if Olivia Plath will be able to move on. – Reddit

Some Fans Cheer Olivia Plath On

Many Welcome To Plathville fans are cheering Olivia Plath on for surviving the relationship with Ethan Plath and his family.

  • “These are the words of a survivor. So so so so proud of you, Olivia! This takes such bravery, and there are women who will see this whose lives will be forever changed.”
Some people are extremely proud of her speaking up. - Reddit/Instagram
Some people are extremely proud of Olivia Plath for speaking up. – Reddit/Instagram
  • “It was absolutely criminal what KimBob and Barry the android did to Olivia and Ethan. I can’t imagine encouraging anyone, let alone my own child to get married at that age and to someone they really don’t know in any real sense. If KimBob and Barry the android want to get married after a couple of dates, good on them but don’t pass that kind of f*ckery down to the next generation. It will not end well and there will be generations of all kinds of sh*t that will have to be dealt with to undo the harm of this bs patriarchal nonsense.”

Spill The Tea

While some fans don’t want Olivia Plath to focus on resentment about the Plaths, others are so excited to see her talking about the dirt.

  • Spill that tea! Wonder why Kim couldn’t foresee her own marriage ending? She’s so smart and perspective it shocked me! /S.”
Fans appreciate her sharing her process of deconstructing her past. - Reddit
Fans appreciate Olivia Plath sharing her process of deconstructing her past. – Reddit
  • “I love that Olivia WOKE UP! I love how she calls out the Plaths and that c*nt Kim and freak a** Barry for all the sh*t they did and the manipulators they are.”
  • “I love this girl!!! It is sooo hard to break free from a cult. She has done it basically on her own using her own critical thinking skills. I will forever be team Olivia ❤️.”

Olivia’s Rant & Kim’s Bizzare Dream
byu/quarterlykerfuffle inPlathvilleUncensored

What do you think about Olivia Plath’s rant over Kim Plath? Do you think she made some good points? Do you think she will move on from her past? Will she be able to move past the experiences she has been through? What do you think about this season of Welcome To Plathville? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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