’90 Day Fiance’ Angela Deem Sends Strong Message To Michael

Angela Deem From 90 Day Fiance, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube

90 Day Fiance star Angela Deem is back with another explosive statement amid her legal battles with Michael Ilesanmi. The two are separated by the end of HEA Tell-All. Since then, they’ve been going back and forth, shading each other and taking steps to prove who’s right. Angela filed for annulment, while Michael took things further by requesting spousal support. But it seems it only made Angela more upset. Keep reading to see her strong message against her estranged husband.

90 Day Fiance: Angela Deem Thanks Cast Member For Supporting Her

Angela recently took to TikTok to give Jovi Dufren a shout-out for supporting her amid her complicated situation with Michael today. Jovi said he’s “Team Angela” and believes that the Nigerian man doesn’t deserve the visa if he’s only after getting married to Angela and living in the U.S. According to Jovi, Angela was only asking for love, and he thinks Michael couldn’t provide it. Angela even said she’s now “besties” with Jovi despite her strained relationship with his wife, Yara Zaya, whom she had a heated exchange with during HEA Season 6.

Michael Ilesanmi & Angela Deem From 90 Day Fiance, TLC, Sourced From 90 Day Fiancé YouTube
Michael Ilesanmi & Angela Deem From 90 Day Fiance, TLC, Sourced From 90 Day Fiancé YouTube

Angela Sends Strong Message To Michael

Some Reddit users react to Angela’s latest clip, seemingly sending threats to Michael. According to the 90 Day Fiance star, her “crown of thought” for that day is the saying about a person meeting their match. However, she thinks that her version is far better, as she believes the person she is talking to has never met their match.

Angela threatening Michael?
byu/MrDonMega in90DayFiance

“You met someone that’s overqualified for your bulls**t,” Angela Deem added. It’s obvious that Angela was talking about her estranged husband, Michael Ilesanmi. She’s been trying to tell everyone that he has an alternate motive since getting into the U.S. She even hired a private investigator to know if he’s hiding something and if he’s cheating. However, the PI never found any evidence about Michael having another woman. But his recent actions have been raising suspicions. One of them is about his attempts to take half of Angela’s assent through spousal support. Here are some of the comments Angela received from her TikTok clip.

  • “I just wish she shut the f**k up. This man just wants peace in his life & she’s mad he finally has it. I don’t think it even about him being here. If he went back home she’d still be on this bulls**t.”
  • “God don’t ever let me treat my future husband the way she’s treated this poor man. I’m glad he got away from her.”
  • “Angela…number one, you are in your 50s, be a grown ass adult. Your house is a mess. Clean that shit up and then you can go on social media like a little baby and whine.”
  • “First, she needs poly grip in those dentures. Second, if Michael is so dumb, and she’s so smart, then how did he run game on Mrs smarty pants.”

90 Day Fiance: Michael Ilesanmi’s Response To Angela Deem’s Annulment

According to reports, Michael claimed that he experienced “cruel treatment” and “physical and mental abuse” when he was still with Angela in the U.S. Due to this, he decided to run away, just like what he explained during the HEA Tell-All finale. The 90 Day Fiance star then filed for spousal support, which could force Angela to split her assets with him. Lots of questions surround his timing. Loren Brovarnik called Michael out for his big scam and has been bullied for her support of Angela. The 90-Day Fiance cast is definitely split.


Michael Ilesanmi’s actions took many people by surprise. Some questioned why he would he sue for half of everything including spousal support, especially after his successful fundraiser to help fund his legal needs. Michael also raised some eyebrows after sharing a photo of himself with an expensive Mercedes car. It’s unclear what is truly happening between the two behind the cameras. It could be better or worse. But it’s clear that their marriage is nowhere near getting fixed at this point.

If you are looking for more 90 Day Fiance news, come back to TV Shows Ace for all your updates.

Michael Malley


  1. Angela may be loud and come across as mean but I think she’s reacting out of hurt and betrayal. I don’t think for one second Michael is sincere about being in love with Angela. Michael is a scammer and not an innocent victim of Angela’s rage

      1. What assets did she have before joining 90 Day? She would not have been able to have half of what she accumulated if it was not for Michael being a participant in that show. Half of the money earned from that show belongs to Michael.

      2. you might be right. I think he put up with all her ways just to get over here to the USA.Once he got here he seem to run pretty quick. I think he had this plan once he got here. But that don’t excuse angelas behavior by no means. She needs serious help

      3. no he needs to stay right here in the US Angela thought she had someone that she could mistreat disrespect curse out, spit in their face and treat them like crap. She’s getting exactly what she deserve. Nothing

    1. Let the court case decide. By the way, WHERE are Michael’s earnings from the Show for 7 years? Angela Deem has scammed Michael of his money.

    2. I agree with you he’s just using Angela for a green card. I hope he gets sent back to his country. she deserves better.

        1. Michael doesn’t deserve to be humiliated ever single episode with her. though he was a fool to stay so questions about him being in love with Angie are valid

      1. And I hope he gets to stay, especially how Angela have treated him bit in his face. She’s getting exactly what she deserves.

      2. deserves better how, deserves better from who? who is going to put up with that living zombie with a funky attitude!!? she’s been abusive to everyone on that show he paid his dues, now it’s time for her to pay.

    3. It has been proven by the Private investigator that Michael has for the most part been telling the truth. angel seems to be losing her mind since she doesn’t even believe her own PI. I’m surprised Michael has hung in so long with her craziness.

  2. I am sick and tired of reading comments about the reality shows.
    People that want to go abroad and find love. Need to read up on the countries where they are looking for male or female. Angela went looking for love and I 20 six-year-old and she’s 58.
    Had she looked for someone around her own age, she would not have been so brutal with her words or treatment. There is not one person that would honestly say they will stay with someone and received the treatment that michael received. Angela got a young man that she wanted to Mold. And make him her puppet. Lesson learned, stay in your lane.Find someone of your own equal.
    And learn cultures.

  3. regardless, that is abuse!! not only women are abused. her intense berating was mortifying! was a huge trigger for me. I wasn’t aloud to have friends,talk to anyone,ect,,,, eitherway,supposed to be entertaining, not cringy! glad hired guy,didn’t find anything!

    1. Exactly!! Angela treated Michael like shit!! Constantly! If I were there, I would’ve been right with Kobe!! All over her!! Michael deserves peace from that trash can!

  4. When Angela ill treated Michael in the presence of cast members, they held their breath in disapproval but now turn around to support Angela, what hypocrisy is that? Would you allow anyone to treat you with such disrespect? I definitely would not – check yourself. If it’s not acceptable to you so it’s not for any human being.

  5. I feel Angela got what was coming to her. She is nasty, with her loud mouth. She has been like that since day 1. Ever since she was 1st brought on. I hope that’s the last we see of her with her sagging skin, get a boob lift instead of getting them enlarged. Talked over Michael, screamed at him, used him like a slave instead of a husband. Then tazed him in the face and this nasty person thinks in her mind that he should come back, run Michael run.

  6. Well…..Its too much for both of them…Go on your own life…Everytime i see Angie on my T.V….I change Chanel for while…all her teeth gonna fall out …Leave This Guy Alone ….you only chase him with your mouth

  7. Is no one afraid for those children in her care? You think she only looses her temper like this at him? This woman has no control over herself! I am afraid for those kids…

  8. Some bastards in this wicked world will rob a deceived woman of all she has.. some bastards are so addicted to free money from the elderly that they expect lifelong support with no work. Some lazy, grifting lowlives are even proud of lying to and thieving from grandmother’s, whose money is needed to support her daughter’s fatherless brood. Mike, stop defrauding this innocent soul. Do not rob her remainung wealth; have you not taken enough? Are you really that much of a pig/ hyenna hybrid–a monstrous chimera with 0 humanity? Is there any human element in you, or are you simply a catastrophic piece of dirt? Leave the poor woman’s money alone. Enough. Lastly, America has enough local scammers, and you are not needed. What will u bring to America, except your sleazy thieving ways? Go back to your Nigerian hell hole and spare us the ugliness of your nasty pursuit: defrauding elderly white victims whose major fault is to love and trust a grifter.

  9. I live in Georgia and have lived here my whole life. Angela is a DISGRACE to Georgia. Most women in Georgia do not act like her. I can’t believe all these comments defending that loud mouth. Michael deserves better than Angela. I have taken to recording the shows and fast forward when she is onscreen. I truly hope that TLC will FIRE her ass. She is throughly sickening.

  10. I agree. She may be over the top to some, but I truly think she’s that emotionally distraught and everyone has to see it unfold. I could tell he was scamming her. My love and good vibes go out to you Angela. even tho you’ll never see it! 😂 love from Fitzgerald, GA

  11. Angela needs to let it go. She is like an age old wrinkled lady that is constantly angry with the world If she hates him that much what is she hanging around for.. she needs mental health needs.

    1. And you my dear need to learn very quickly how to RESPECT YOUR ELDERS.. YOU WILL BE THERE SOMEDAY… REMEMBER THAT!!!!


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