Sophia Bush Shocked Chad Michael Was Assigned Another Role

Sophia Bush and Chad Michael Murray

Sophia Bush was shocked to learn that Chad Michael Murray was assigned another role for One Tree Hill. The show is one of the most popular among fans. It has an enormous fanbase and continues to be watched by a lot of people. However, the show may have been completely different. Sophia Bush was shocked to hear this. Keep reading to find out more.

One Tree Hill Loved By Many

One Tree Hill is a scripted show. The main characters are Lucas Scott, Nathan Scott, Hailey Scott, Brooke Davis, Peyton Sawyer, and so many more. The show is about teenagers in high school and then they grow up in the real world. There are love triangles, deaths, babies, and all the dramatic things. This is one of the most popular shows. They hold conventions every year where the cast will come back for things such as basketball games and meet and greets. However, the show did take a toll on some people in the real world. Sophia Bush and Chad Michael Murray ended up getting married. However, they got divorced which made filming awkward.

One Tree Hill Trio, Hilarie, Bethany Joy, Sophia-
One Tree Hill Trio, Hilarie, Bethany Joy, Sophia-

Sophia Bush Shocked To Learn New Detail

Sophia Bush revealed she learned that Chad Michael Murray was originally supposed to be Nathan Scott. 

“Do you know that when the show first started – and I didn’t even know this until years later because Brooke’s not in the pilot… I learned that originally, the WB had tried to cast Chad as Nathan. And he was like, ‘No. I always play the bad guy. I wanna play the good guy.'”

Chad also revealed that he needed to put his foot down on this one.

“Lucas was the choice for me. And so it was a moment where I think I made a career decision and I put my foot down and I just said, ‘Guys I really wanna play Lucas. This is the character.’ And I was blessed enough that Warner Brothers and everybody there… took care of me and said, ‘You know what, alright, [we’re] gonna give you a shot.'”

Sullivan's Crossing, Chad Michael Murray - YouTube
Sullivan’s Crossing, Chad Michael Murray – YouTube

It seems that Chad was originally called in to play Nathan. This shocked fans. However, people are glad he stood his ground and got cast as Lucas. The show would have been completely different and may not have been loved as much as it is. Chad Michael Murray continues to play the bad guy on shows he is on now. At least he got to play the good guy once. What do you think about this? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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