‘The View’ Alyssa Farah Griffin Takes Break, Gone For Good?

Alyssa Farah Griffin - Andy Cohen

Recently, The View cohost, Alyssa Farah Griffin talked about taking a break from the show. However, with uncertainty in the cards for The View, is she leaving for good?

Alyssa Farah Griffin And The View Undergo Change

While The View has finished another season, some fans fear it may be the beginning of the end for the show. Joy Behar, Ana Navarro, Alyssa Farah Griffin, and Sara Haines listened as cohost Sunny Hostin announced they were celebrating ten years with the show’s location and 2143 episodes as they closed out Season 27. However, the future comes with big transitions. While they announced Season 28 is on its way, the location is changing. Undeniably, there is uncertainty around the future of the show.

Alyssa Farah Griffin - YouTube
Alyssa Farah Griffin – YouTube – PBS

Alyssa Farah Griffin Takes Break, Gone For Good?

On Alyssa Farah Griffin’s Instagram page, she shares a beautiful picture of her and her dog soaking in the sunlight. She captions, “Summer weekends in the country are good for the soul. 🤍.” Undeniably, the political world is getting increasingly more intense. Alyssa is enjoying some time away from the hustle and bustle. While Alyssa and her Havanese puppy, Herbie, are relaxing watching the countryside views, fans wonder if she will return to The View after her hiatus.

Alyssa Farah Griffin - Instagram
Alyssa Farah Griffin – Instagram

During the final episode of The View Season 27, Sunny Hostin said, “We’re sad to say goodbye, but we are thrilled to be moving to a brand-new studio downtown, state-of-the-art.” Confirming the new season, she adds, “And we will see you there in September for Season 28 of The View.” From  1997-2014, it was recorded at ABC Television Studio 23 in New York City. Then, it moved to the ABC Broadcast Center. But the location of the new season isn’t completely clear. However, an insider says that the future seems unsteady for The View table. While Alyssa Farah Griffin and her cohosts are taking time away from the panel, the future of the show seems a bit shaky.

The View panelist - ABC
The View Panelist – ABC

An Insider Speaks On The Status Of The View

According to the source, “The larger issue is that while the show continues to be profitable for ABC and its affiliated TV stations, the audiences are declining every year and they’re getting older every year.” Undoubtedly, unsettling news for cohosts, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Ana Navarro, Alyssa Farah Griffin, and Sara Haines, and Sunny Hostin. Furthermore, the insider adds, “That’s not a reversible trend and it’s why there’s a ticking clock on this franchise.”

YouTube/The View
Alyssa Farah Griffin – The View

However, they note, “With a female in the presidential race, The View can be an important place to discuss the election and even to hear from politicians themselves ahead of November’s vote.” Additionally, saying, “The next four months are everything as far as maximizing interest in the show and the team they have in place right now.” Seemingly, to save the show it will take a big showing over the next year. Reportedly, the source says, “They need big guests and they need to make news and if they can manage that, everybody will still have their jobs in 2025.”

Alyssa Farah Griffin And The Other Panelists’ Jobs May Be At Risk

Furthermore, Alyssa Farah Griffin and the current panelist are speaking their beliefs, and many things have changed through the years for The View. Although change is necessary, the jobs of the panelists may be in jeopardy. For instance, the insider says, “The fact that Barbara Walters has long since passed makes ending the show outright a lot easier.” Further making their case, they add, “The decision-makers at the network and at ABC news were afraid to mess with the show too much while Barbara was alive but now, all bets are off.” Sadly, the source indicates, “The show is profitable, but it’s trending downward and everybody involved knows it.”

Whoopi Goldberg, Sara Haines, Ana Navarro, Sunny Hostin, and Alyssa Farah Griffin.- The View
Whoopi Goldberg, Sara Haines, Ana Navarro, Sunny Hostin, and Alyssa Farah Griffin.- The View

Fans Want To See Her Return

While the future of The View is hazy at best, Alyssa Farah Griffin and the current hosts are taking their much-needed break before the Season 28 return. In the meantime, Alyssa is slowing down to catch her breath before the new debates ensue.

  • Fans comment about Alyssa’s relaxing vacation. “Alyssa, of all times for The View to be on hiatus! I want to hear what you have to say about what’s going on girl. Well I guess I have to settle for CNN.Glad you’re having a good time on vacation. Signed , your dem fan💙.”
  • “Glad you’re having well deserved rest and relaxation – especially with this beautiful scenery surrounding you. We need you rested when The View returns – there will be lots to catch up on!”
  • “Looks glorious! Enjoy your time off Alyssa😎(can’t wait till you’re back on The View!!”

The View will be on hiatus for most of August. It will return for Season 28 on September 3 at 11/10c on ABC.

What do you think about the future of The View? Do you think Alyssa Farah Griffin is resting to bring her best back for Season 28? Do you think The View will survive long term? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill


    1. Yes, and she doesn’t have the snotty attitude that Meghan McCain has. She’s smart, articulate and has a personable demeanor.

    2. I agree also. I like Alyssa very much! She’s very sincere and I believe she will be back in September. Everyone on the panel were very happy and excited to be moving to a new location! (new studio) So I’m very sure The View will be back in September. I have no doubts at all.

    3. I sure hope that the VIEW continues with Alyssa. I also thoroughly enjoy the visitors and the general discussions. Only complaint is when the panelists speak over each other. I am certainly looking forward to watching the VIEW as we approach November Elections.

      1. Thia is me.. I watched the view every day .. how I started my day.. … but as soon. as this election started .. they changed .. they talk about Trump’s behavior but some of the things they would say crossed the fine line of hate talk… I can say at first I have my fav picks , we all do but each and everyone brought something positive to the talk .. now it’s just back bitte and it really discouraged me .. this country is so divided and against each other that it feels like at any moment it’s gonna be lit on fire and burn.. and we don’t want that, I have kids with kids and I love America borned and raised chicken fried country hick backwood dirt road queen with my back road kings amd princess I want my kids to know freedom is not free and to understand just cause I dont agree with everything you do that we as people need to find a comman place to meet and work our problems out … I don’t watch the view any more I was really let down by the way these lady’s turned in to what they was upset about with trump … we have to set examples not turn in to what we don’t want to invite in… if you act like a duck quack like a duck… your a duck.. and name calling back biting getting so upset you. cross the hate line.. sometimes we can’t get back… I don’t think I will be letting these lady’s in my home until the election is done but understand this words stick longer than bruses.. what trump did he did but these ladies became just like he is .. out of control.. and I hate it I was really freaked out about the way they treated there guest and the things they said … they got lost and I hope it don’t lead them to somewhere they can’t come back from… smh

        1. Bye….they reflect just what you see as a problem in the country. What ought they to do? Ignore what is top of mind of all who is worried about losing our democratic history going forward? It’s not Sunday school or a case of social chit-chat with the ‘ladies who lunch’.

  1. I agree with the answer above she is very interesting to listen to, and although our opinions may not always remain similar, her logic to her answers, makes total sense to me as well. I would hope that she will be back to share the view with all the other hosts that we have had this year.

  2. I’m a huge fan of The View… faithfully following the show since the beginning. I would hate to see it go. I am a staunch Democrat but I do like Alyssa’s views. So much so that I’m glad that I can appreciate her views and not Megan. She is a very angry 😠 person. It’s one thing to express your true self whether or not you are a Democrat or a Republican…but, to show anger when you are talking turns me off!!!

  3. I agree, as a Democrat too Alyssa has proven to be a great addition to the Views panel. The insight she brings with sound reason and logical interpretation has been truly enlightening.
    I would choose Alyssa over snobby not so Sunny any day if anyone didn’t return. I like Anna also.

    1. I agree Patricia, Alyssa is well versed in all of her opponions and said and done with grace unlike some others. I hope Ayssa as well as Anna stay apart of the View panel for years along with Sarah,Joy and Whoopi

  4. Shoukd be taken off air
    It’s all anti republican and bashing people
    Not watching never will
    Show was never like that til Whoopi
    Who has become a
    Critic of everyone

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