‘Big Brother’ Angela Murray’s Boss Reveals Job Status After Uproar

Big Brother star Angela Murray may be in trouble with her work. Her boss has revealed the status of her job after an uproar from fans. They did not like how she treated Matt Hardeman. She got him kicked out of the house on the first week. Fans thought she was a sweet lady until a switch flipped. Keep reading to find out what her boss has to say about her job.
Matt Hardeman Gets Bullied
Angela Murray and Matt Hardeman did not get along from the beginning. Angela immediately started their relationship by saying Matt was going to be in a showmance. She put a target on his back by screaming this and saying he was just a pretty boy. Matt took this as her going after him. So, when she won HOH, Matt went to the HOH room to have a talk with her. He threatened her by saying if he was put up that meant there was going to be a feud between them. Angela did not like this and blew up on him in front of everyone. She also said he had crazy eyes.

Angela Murray And Her Job Status
After Angela’s blow-up, fans did not like her. They were messaging her boss at a real estate agency. They wanted her fired. However, her boss has spoken out on the issue. She did not understand how fans were this mad about it. She then revealed that Angela must be playing a role as a villain because normally she is:
“sweet, kind, smart, clever, and fun.”
This is the Angela fans saw at first. However, she completely changed after she won HOH. If this is the game she is trying to play, she may not last long. The other players liked how she acted like a mom. Now she is acting like she is out to get everyone.

It seems as though Angela’s boss does not see a problem with her behavior. She says that is not who she is as a person and must be playing a different role. However, this is not smart for her game, so fans do not understand. However, fans think she is a bully and do not want her in the house any longer. What do you think about the way Angela treated Matt? Do you think her boss should care more about her behavior? Sound off in the comments below.
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Angela is a bully and CBS should be ashamed not removing her from the BB House. Shame on you!!
I think she should go we not doing that Bullying 🤔 they did it in Season 25 when Taylor was Target I’m sure you guys remember. So please take her out its bout to go down again
Oh she isn’t a bully, this is season 26 of bullies come one big tough Matt lost to a Karen, what happens in here should not affect her personal life.
Angela’s behavior is totally unacceptable!
She had a chance to go far in this game had she not been so overbearing, and disrespectful to Matt, and acting as if she was tougher than everyone in the house. I thought that it was terrible when she called Matt crazy eyes, and went as far as to mock him. She’s definitely not a team player but a loose cannon, and needs to be evicted asap!!!
Angela needs to go. She is aggravating, she’s obnoxious, she’s loud, she’s overbearing, she’s a crybaby.
They just need to get her out of that house. She is not making it fun to watch BB. However this is a game show and should not affect her job.
What she does on a game show for entertainment should have no bearing on her real life job.
Angela needs to go. She is aggravating, she’s obnoxious, she’s loud, she’s overbearing, she’s a crybaby.
They just need to get her out of that house. She is not making it fun to watch BB. However this is a game show and should not affect her job.
What she does on a game show for entertainment should have no bearing on her real life job.
Bring Matt back – he was treated unfairly and was bullied….Zero Tolerance for bullies and appearance shaming!! Angela needs to be removed not voted out. Unacceptable behavior!! The show needs to step up and protect the players!!
she completely bullied and shows many symptoms of borderline personality disorder. she is not well and not a good person. i think this is her true self and at work she is faking to get by. and saying his mom should be ashamed??? she should be ashamed as a mom. she definitely should have a consequence. it was bullying and it was brushed over. ignored by cbs. its no different than taylor being bullied.
I agree totally . bullying in NY respect is not cool. lead by example . she’s just not cool. not a nice person at all. she’s All over the place
I totally agree!
I agree. Her bullying is unacceptable and CBS should be ashamed of themselves and the Big brother franchise for not doing what is right and protect the contestants from Angela who is unsafe. She needs to be removed and the show should make an example to show that bullying isn’t tolerated. They have understandably gotten rid of contestants who have made racial slurs. Which is bullying.
So why is her bullying accepted .
It’s not right
Angela is a middle-aged lady from Utah. she’s playing this game with people her children’s ages. she’s overthinking, overly paranoid over playing every hand she’s dealt. she’s not a bully! she simply doesn’t understand the game. her housemates will get rid of her when they’re ready, it’s not the job of the producers to teach her how to play. all they can do is pick up the pieces, and attempt to calm Rough Waters.
She just right out crazy all over the place bipolar or personality disorder for sure not nice meen to other that disagree with her or she dont like
As a mom I found her behavior disgraceful . Insulting someone’s looks like she did is bullying.
And btw ,Angela, Matt has beautiful eyes.
I hope she gets booted soon. BB should have.
How could you say she’s not a bully?! She 100% is and should be removed from the game.
I totally agree, Angela singled Matt out from the very start over what he looked like. He didn’t threaten her if the whole conversation was heard, he felt threatened by her attacking what she thought of him. Who cares of he was going to be in a showmance or not, he definitely did not get a fair chance by her and her comments in the bathroom. She is crazy and hope she goes home, her paranoia has gotten the best of her and you can tell she makes everyone uneasy. Even what happened with her the other day, no one was calling her racist but she never let’s anyone talk and jumps to conclusions that she is being attacked, when SHE has been a bully the whole time. It’s time for her to go home and if Matt could come back and get a fair shot that would be awesome, but you know that won’t happen! #sendangelahome
We teach our kids not to bully, and then to watch Angela doing on tv. It wrong, Matt never said anything threatening to her that hasn’t been said before. But bullying has no place on BB.
Please tell me the name of the Realty company. That way I know where not to go! Bring Matt Back! Vote for him so he will win 25k when the show is over!
I’m waiting for Angela to get the boot before I watch anymore of this season. That’s bad game play and the producers are enjoying her crazy behaviour.
Real estate agents are not rare…I’d pick another one. Especially if I was an Asian who could be called crazy eyes.
what goes on between Angela and her employer is none of anyone’s business but theirs regardless of how others feel about her on BB.
It’s a game!!! people need to get over themselves! 🙄 Other players have done MUCH worse!!! If you want to judge people, judge them on lying! Oh wait…I bet your response would be “It’s just a game” huh? Stop trying to come for this ladies job! She isn’t displaying racism, homophobia or anything else that she should be fired for! She’s playing a game!!!
She is a bitch on wheels that needs to roll right out the front door! Bully!
The show should be ashamed of allowing this type of behaviour. No one should be spoke to this way, game or not. It is unacceptable.
I have been a fan of this show since the first season but I will no longer be watching bb since the show thinks this is entertainment
My gosh ppl are into this just as much as me, so good to see! I’m not a fan of how Angela treated Matt but I certainly and very clearly now see the game aspect and the “get them before they get me” mentality. Although I’m not sure why Angela came out guns blazing from the time she walked in the door. I think her age and seeing what she was up against was a factor and then her winning the HOH had her power trippin for sure!
Angela is a bully and playing mind games on BB. One thing to remember Karma is a bitch, “BITCH”. One thing is for sure, she will not win BB period. Go back to the rock you crawled out from under. She’s a disgrace to humanity.
I will NEVER watch Big Brother again. It was one of my favorite shows but that HORRID POS ruined it for me. I can’t stand to see her picture, it really triggers me. Gee thanks you awful thing.
Game play or not I don’t care for Angela on this tv show or any other she needs to be bared from any and all shows in the future if these shows want to keep rating up prevent people like this from being on the shows I stopped watching immediately whatever happened to her awe never mind I don’t really care 😂. She’s 50 but acted like a 13 year old child embarrassing among other things hope karma smacks her so hard and the divorce is hard hope he makes her pay.