‘Unexpected’ Jenna Ronan’s Bestie Holds Onto Viral TikTok Fame

Dalanie DiSabato and Jenna Ronan

Unexpected fans are tired of Dalanie DiSabato. She is Jenna Ronan’s best friend on the show. She went viral on TikTok and now seems to be holding onto the fame. However, fans are done with this and wonder if she is ever going to let it go. Dalanie also has problems with Jenna’s new boyfriend on the show. Keep reading to find out more about this situation.

Jenna Ronan Has To Go To Court

Jenna Ronan had to go back to her hometown to go to court with her baby daddy. This has been a lot of drama for her. She is currently living in Myrtle Beach and has a new boyfriend. JJ has treated her way better than her baby daddy ever did. However, JJ is not the biggest fan of how Jenna is when she is around Dalanie. He does not seem to like her and the two have issues. However, when Dalanie asked him about it, he brushed it off like it was no big deal. Dalanie is not a fan favorite on the show.

Dalanie DiSabato, Jenna Ronan, Luca Albright-Instagram
created by photogrid

Dalanie DiSabato Rubs Fans Wrong Way

Dalanie had a viral TikTok. In the video, she was beating up a mother and her daughter because they started beating on her mom. However, Dalanie has held onto that fame and fans do not like it.

  • “Will she ever let this go? Her last 100 videos are about her being the romper stomper. She is in love with the attention and it’s embarrassing.”
  • “Gross. Why anybody thinks violence is funny is beyond me. Especially because it made her “famous,it makes it even more disgusting.”
  • “I don’t understand what she’s so proud of. Regardless of the circumstances around the event, that was no way to handle it. I’d be mortified if my employer or family saw me behaving like that.”
  • “She models for playboy now. Wouldn’t that be more catchy than “romper stomping” someone in a port a potty? 😵‍💫 idk. The internet is wild and confusing lol”


Jenna Ronan-Instagram
Jenna Ronan-Instagram

It seems as though fans think she will never let go of her one viral TikTok. They also do not like how she is proud of beating someone else up. They understand she was defending her mother. However, she portrays herself to be something that fans do not like. Viewers love Jenna Ronan and her life on Unexpected. However, it seems like they want to see more of her without Dalanie. What do you think about her and her friendship with Jenna? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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