Andy Cohen Details ‘Scary’ ‘WWHL’ Moment

Andy Cohen-YouTube

Andy Cohen has been hosting WWHL for fifteen years but he is now detailing a “scary” moment that he never anticipated ever. So, what exactly happened, who were the guests, and did anyone realize that there was trouble afoot? Keep reading for more details.

Andy Cohen Has One Scary WWHL Moment

For the last fifteen years, WWHL has been Andy Cohen’s show. He has gotten some of the most iconic guests including Oprah Winfrey. As the fifteenth anniversary approached, he recalled how embarrassed he was by a question he asked her. He knew he shouldn’t have the moment that he opened his mouth yet he should could not hold back. The legendary Carol Burnett was a guest as well as Cher and Julia Roberts. Even Jennifer Lawrence is a Bravo fan girl so many big names appreciate the show and Cohen.

Andy Cohen-YouTube
Andy Cohen-YouTube

After all of the shows he has done, something was bound to happen and now, one of those incidents is being retold. It is not a question he never should have asked circa Oprah or something that made him look like a fool. Rather, it was a brief medical emergency that caused great concern. According to Reality Tea, he was filming an episode with guests Cindy Crawford and Colman Domingo. This aired on Wednesday, July 24th, 2024 and the host was gearing up for what was to be an amazing show when he started to see double.

He recounted the episode on his SiriusXM radio show and explained that everything was getting set up when he looked into the prompter. That was when Andy Cohen saw an immediate problem:

“We were sitting there, I’m starting the show, it’s like 5:30 p.m. and I look up at the teleprompter to begin the show and I really — not only can’t really see, but I’m kind of seeing double.”

WWHL was going on but he is struggling with no idea what to do. He looked at the camera, believing it was saying something to him but had no clue what that was:

“But I’m looking at the camera as though it’s saying something to me and I don’t really understand what it’s saying. That’s the only way I could explain to you the expression on my face.”

Since the show was not live, Andy stopped it so he could get a better handle on what was happening.

What Happened?

As it turns out, Andy Cohen put some solution in his eyes and adjusted his contacts. That seemed to be all that it took. Luckily, the show went off without a hitch and ended up being amazing but those moments were terrifying:

“And it wound up being a great show. Cindy Crawford pleads the fifth. Colman Domingo does a brilliant Clubhouse Playhouse. I’m so excited for y’all to see this episode but when I tell you, it was scary.”

Andy also noted that he never stops a show so that was a big moment for him to do such a thing. Hopefully, the second he feels uncomfortable again, he will fix it from the start. In the end, it all worked out and he had a phenomenal show.

Has this ever happened to you and do you understand the fear Andy experienced? Let us know your thoughts and watch WWHL Sunday through Thursday on Bravo and streaming Peacock.

Amanda Lauren

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