‘Counting On’ Jim Bob Duggar Accused Of Starving Children

Jim Bob Duggar & John-David Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From @duggarfam Instagram

Counting On alum Jim Bob Duggar continues to face controversies despite stepping away from social media. The 58-year-old reportedly supports the defense of his imprisoned son, Josh, who was arrested for CSAM in April 2021. Since then, many people have surfaced trying to expose his dark secrets, including some of his kids. But a new discovery from Reddit made people realize that he may have starved his children back then. Keep reading to see why.

Counting On: How’s Jim Bob Duggar Today?

Jim Bob no longer posts updates about his family like he used to. However, the Counting On alum still appears at some of their family get-togethers and other occasions. In May, the Duggar family patriarch visited Joy-Anna to celebrate the birthday of his grandson, Gunner James.

Jim Bob Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube
Jim Bob Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube

Many were also surprised that Jim Bob is still in touch with his daughter despite her decision to step away from their beliefs. Jana also shared a clip from their family lunch during Mother’s Day featuring a healthy-looking Jim Bob. He also showed a big smile to the cameras, indicating that he’s still living happily despite all the criticisms about his family.

Jim Bob Accused Of Starving Children

Some Redditors discussed a new discovery from 2001 about Jim Bob spending over $250K on a “hopeless primary” for the Senate. According to the poster, the Counting On alum could’ve spent the money on his family, who were heavily struggling with food at the time.

Jim Bob Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From Reddit
Jim Bob Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From Reddit

The Reddit user added that Jim Bob Duggar could have even bought a bigger house back then and provided healthy meals for his kids. The poster even recalled that Jill used to sneak off foods and secretly eat them in the bathroom, showing how bad their food management was back in the day. It was also revealed that the $250K was all his own money, and none of it came from donations.

  • “You know what kind of house you could have bought in 2001 for 250k!!!! Good god. How do these older kids talk to their parents? The abuse is a whole other animal.”
  • “To save that much and not use it to house and feed all those children is NOT what Jesus had in mind. Especially using it for political gain. I hope in the afterlife the entity known as Jesus pops in to personally tell them they got it very wrong. Idk, I like visual. He should bring a trans soul with him and walk up hand in hand to deliver this blow. Lovingly, of course.”
  • “They never should have had atv show. And those a**holes at TLC should have reported them to child services. So many people failed those children.”
  • “The story about the green beans is so sad. I don’t begrudge families that eat canned veggies – many must – but the fact that she felt the need to hide it when she needed something to eat.”

Counting On: Jinger Duggar May Put Jim Bob On The Corner Again

It also appears that Jim Bob is about to face new challenges next year. It was reported that Jinger Duggar Vuolo will release a new book sometime in 2025 titled “People Pleaser: Breaking Free from the Burden of Imaginary Expectations,” which aims to uncover her decision not to live her life based on other people’s expectations. The memoir will also feature the Counting On alum’s life from childhood to early adulthood, which may provide shocking details about how Jim Bob and Michelle raised their kids.

Jinger Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From @jeremy_vuolo Instagram
Jinger Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From @jeremy_vuolo Instagram

If you are looking for more Duggar family news, come back to TV Shows Ace for all your updates.

Michael Malley

One Comment

  1. You can armchair quarterback anyone’s life. I can tell you many things from my childhood that other people could look at and say what a terrible family I had, and how that’s abuse!” I can also tell you a child’s perspective of things are just that, that of a child’s. I can also tell you that the way you remember somethings from your childhood may not have actually happened as you are remembering them. And you also are not getting the full context of what happened because you are getting only one persons viewpoint. I can also tell you that it is NOT our place to judge what may, or may not have happened. And certainly not to be as nasty and vicious as a lot of you find so easily to be. Here’s some reminders for everyone out there, no one’s perfect, least of all any of you all, people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, and finally, ONLY someone who is “WITHOUT SIN” has the right to throw any stones anyway. And I can tell you there was only ONE person who is sinless, and sadly, most of you don’t know, or believe in Him.

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