Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Estranged Ex Shares Tribute On Anniversary

Gypsy Rose Blanchard-YouTube

Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s estranged ex is sharing a tribute on their anniversary. She left her marriage to Ryan Scott Anderson just three months after she was released from prison. Yet, he still took the time to acknowledge their time together. How did he do that? Keep reading for more details.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Estranged Ex Shares Tribute On Anniversary

Despite the fact that Gypsy Rose Blanchard has moved on, Ryan Scott Anderson still holds a special place for his estranged wife. The two met in 2020 when she was in prison for the murder of her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard. He was intrigued by her story as she was a victim of Munchausen by proxy so he wrote to her while she was serving a ten-year sentence. Gypsy responded and the two fell for one another, becoming engaged. Getting married behind bars was not the best idea but Gypsy went for it anyway.

Ryan Scott Anderson, Gypsy Rose Blanchard-Instagram
Ryan Scott Anderson, Gypsy Rose Blanchard-Instagram

She and Ryan tied the knot in 2022 with her getting early release in December 2023. As fans are seeing in Gypsy Rose: Life After Lockup, there were issues the moment that she was released. He was extremely controlling, speaking for Gypsy, and, at times, talking to her like she was a child. Ryan was also a hoarder, something she dealt with while growing up with her mother so when she would clean, he flipped out. The two have since parted ways and she is now back with her first fiance, Ken Urker.

Still, Ryan is paying tribute to his ex on what would have been their three-year anniversary. According to People, Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s estranged husband went on TikTok Live. He did so on Tuesday, July 2nd, and had this to say:

“July 2nd, I shot fireworks off for her tonight like three years ago. Yeah, I need to move on but guys I have my moments where I miss her and today is one of them. Because like I said I met her three years ago for the first time. We talked for a year and like a month before I got to meet her.”

So, this was a very sentimental day for Ryan and he did what he felt he needed to honor the momentous occasion. He also took the time to apologize to Gypsy’s boyfriend, Ken as he apparently went off on him and he knows it was wrong.

The Other Man

When Gypsy Rose Blanchard met Ryan Scott Anderson, she still had lingering feelings for her ex-fiance, Ken Urker. Those never went away and when she was released from prison, her stepmother, Kristy told her she had spoken to Ken. He was single and the real reason he broke up with Gypsy was he loved her enough to set her free. More so, he wanted to give her a chance to explore life but had no idea she would get married. Ryan was always worried about Ken popping back up and eventually, after Gypsy left, the two reconnected. Yet, it seems that Ryan may have gone off on Ken and now regrets it:

“Sorry, Gypsy for fighting with Ken over text. I did ask how you were because I am genuinely curious how you’re doing because we are going through the show thing and I am curious about you. Is what it is; I can’t help it. I do still care whether you want me to or not.”

Fans did tell Ryan to move on but he noted that they were married for nearly two years and not just dating. So, it made it much harder to let it go.

What do you think of Ryan celebrating their anniversary even though Gypsy is gone? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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