Kim Kardashian Has Rude Awakening She Can’t Control Getting Older

Kim Kardashian - KUWTK

Recently, The Kardashians star, Kim Kardashian, faces a huge, rude awakening when she sees she can’t control getting older. Admittedly, Kim says she is aging rapidly “overnight.”

Kim Kardashian Picks A Fight With Khloe

The latest episode of The Kardashians shows that Kim Kardashian is getting a bit more on edge with her sisters after keeping such a hectic schedule. She and Khloe Kardashian butt heads over childrearing. But they push through and go to Aspen together. However, the dispute over Khloe not being able to get away from her kids keeps coming up.

Kim Kardashian-YouTube
Kim Kardashian – YouTube

During the trip, Khloe sarcastically asks, “Kim are you going to yell at me if I Facetime my daughter?” But Kim is hateful about Khloe being on a “schedule” and not enjoying what is in front of her. The rest of the family jumps in and agrees that sometimes Khloe is a little too rigid with her time. But Khloe knows that if Kim is out to get someone, she is good at it. Khloe felt like she was under attack. Kim tries to tell Khloe to let loose and live in the moment more.

Unfortunately, they are both wired to be uptight and don’t fall “far from the tree” growing up with Kris Jenner wanting to control life. It comes to a head at the end of the episode with Khloe “asking permission” to go call her kids. But Kim is disturbed by one area of her life she has no control over, aging.

Kim Kardashian Has Rude Awakening She Can’t Control Getting Older

During the trip to Aspen, Kim Kardashian confesses to her mom, Kris Jenner, and family, Kendall Jenner, Khloe Kardashian, and Corey Gamble that she is having a “tragic” issue. “Can I tell you what tragically happened to me?” She dramatically adds, “It’s really hard for me to grasp and it happened overnight.” Admittedly, Kim says, “I cannot see.” She squints her eyes and holds her phone up to show how closely she has to get to see. Then, Kim illustrates where she used to be able to hold it in the past, to compare how bad it has gotten. Kris Jenner replies, “That’s so annoying.”

Kim confronts Khloe Kardashian about differing parenting styles. - The Kardashians
Kim confronts Khloe Kardashian about differing parenting styles. – The Kardashians – YouTube

She Has Plans To Turn Back Time

With her vision deteriorating, Kim Kardashian talks about what she plans to do to restore it. Kim tells the table, “I think I can reverse this. I’m gonna eat tons of carrots and I’m gonna do red-light therapy on my eyeballs and open my eyes.” Kris looks at her skeptically. Then she discourages the plan by remarking, “I don’t think that’s smart.” In a confessional interview, Kris says, “Who’s gonna tell Kim that carrots don’t fix your eyesight? It’s called aging.” Then, she adds, “She’s getting a bit older,” pointing out the sad reality Kim is going to have to face. Undoubtedly, Kim is having the rude awakening that she can’t control aging.

Kim thinks Khloe Kardashian needs to let go and get out more. - The Kardashians
Kim thinks Khloe Kardashian needs to let go and get out more. – The Kardashians

Kim Kardashian Will Go To Great Lengths To Preserve Her Youth

Undeniably, Kim Kardashian seems to be willing to go to any length to preserve her youth. In 2022, Kim tells The New York Times, “If you told me that I literally had to eat poop every single day and I would look younger, I might.”

Following the initial statement, just one month later, Kim tells Allure it was “sort of” a joke. She says, “I was kind of joking, but now that I think about it, I would probably eat sh*t if someone told me, ‘If you eat this bowl of poop every single day, you’ll look younger.” Time will tell what extremes Kim will take to improve her eyesight. But she may have to settle with age catching up with her.

What do you think about Kim Kardashian feeling the effects of aging “overnight”? Are you enjoying this season of The Kardashians? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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