Jim Bob Duggar To Play Final Card After Josh’s Latest Rejection?

Jim Bob Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube

Counting On alum Jim Bob Duggar has made many people curious following the recent Supreme Court ruling for Josh. The first Duggar child was arrested in April 2021 for CSAM. He’s currently serving 12.5 years in jail. He has also taken numerous steps in the hopes of overturning his case with the help of his dad. But the evidence against him is too strong, and it seems he can’t do anything about it. However, some Redditors think Jim Bob has one final card he may use.

Counting On: What Happened To Josh Duggar’s Latest Appeal?

Josh has been trying to file an appeal regarding his case. In February, the former Counting On star filed certiorari with the Supreme Court, which is a request to have a higher court review a decision made by a lower court. Josh’s legal team also states that they should be allowed to blame Caleb Williams as an alternate suspect. But the Supreme Court rejected Josh’s appeals, and fans wondered what Jim Bob would do next.

Josh Duggar & Anna Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From @joshduggar Twitter
Josh Duggar & Anna Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From @joshduggar Twitter

Jim Bob To Use Final Card After Josh’s Rejection?

Some Redditors discussed Jim Bob’s next possible move following the Supreme Court’s rejection of Josh’s appeal. According to the poster, they’re curious about how the Counting On alum will fix his brand. The Reddit user also believes that Jim Bob Duggar has already spent so much to defend his son.

Jim Bob Duggar & Josh Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From Reddit
Jim Bob Duggar & Josh Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From Reddit

But several commenters think he hasn’t brought out his final card yet. Some said that Jim Bob may start to blame their own legal team and throw them under the bus because their lawyers did something wrong. However, others think that there is no way to save Jim Bob’s image, especially since some of his kids are starting to share their difficult past with him.

  • “One of our lovely legal snarkers posted about how the only thing left is to claim the trial was unfair because their lawyers did something wrong, so I’m guessing king Duggar will next be throwing his legal team under the bus to try to get a mistrial.”
  • “Someone posted today that if he changes lawyers an appeal claiming his legal team was bad could happen.”
  • “I don’t think there is much he can. The Duggars brand on TV or in politics is unsalvageable and unpalatable to the general public. The best option he has is to let the Duggars fade into private life and infamy.”
  • “Was Jim Bob expecting SCOTUS to hear the case, demand an immediate release, and then ….that magical phone call would come, contracts would be signed and the film crew trucks + catering truck would roll up the driveway once again at Crazy Acres?”

Counting On: Fans Think Jim Bob Duggar Has Been Trying To Cause Distraction

There are also speculations that Jim Bob has been trying to distract people from all the controversies he’s been facing. Jessa Duggar’s sudden social media barrage in April caught many off-guard. Some Counting On fans speculate it was part of Jim Bob’s cover-up. Things also got suspicious when Jana returned to social media after over two years of hiatus. According to several Redditors, Jim Bob Duggar may be trying to distract people from the second season of Shiny Happy People, in which the Duggars may become a topic again.

Jana Duggar & Michelle Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From @janamduggar Instagram
Jana Duggar & Michelle Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From @janamduggar Instagram

If you are looking for more Duggar family news, come back to TV Shows Ace for all your updates.

Michael Malley


  1. …..Josh smiling in his mug shot picture, is deplorable!!!! It just goes to show that he has absolutely No respect for females and No respect for the law!!! He’s cocky and Usless!!! KEEP HIM LOCKED UP!!
    …..Jim Bob needs to be told that “ It’s too late to help his son Josh!! “ GIVE IT UP JIM BOB!!!! “
    Josh inappropriately touched HIS SISTERS!!! Josh didn’t learn from that!!! Josh also inappropriately touched other young girls, that right there, just goes to show you that he’s BEYOND help!!! It’s “”Only a matter of time”, when he gets released, that Josh touches and rapes a Daughter, Younger sister, Granddaughter or Niece!!! Mark my words, IT WILL HAPPEN!!!!!!!!

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