’90 Day Fiance’ Paola Mayfield Getting Big Payday

Paola Mayfield

90 Day Fiance star, Paola Mayfield, is going to be getting a big payday. This is after she won The GOAT. Fans are dying to know what she is going to do with the money. She went into the details about everything she plans to do and how she feels about winning the first season of the show. Paola is best known for her time on the TLC franchise. There were a lot of people rooting for her. Keep reading to find out more.

Paola Mayfield Wins The GOAT

Paola Mayfield was the first winner of The GOAT. She battled her way through the show to make it to the finale. However, Paola did not expect this to happen. She thought she was going to be one of the first people to be eliminated. However, she ended up winning the whole thing. She has been waiting to be able to talk about winning the $200,000.

“The show is just airing right now. So I have to wait for the prize, you have to wait because it just happened right now. But I’m OK with that. This is probably the perfect time — with everything happening at once — because I can just celebrate with everybody. It’s not just about the money — it’s about the fact that I’m an OG. I’m the first one to win the gold. It’s a moment of being proud. And the money is awesome but it’s just this opportunity and being able to celebrate like this.”

Fans are happy for Paola.

Paola Mayfield From 90 Day Fiance, TLC, Sourced From @paola_mayfield Instagram
Paola Mayfield From 90 Day Fiance, TLC, Sourced From @paola_mayfield Instagram

What Is She Going To Do With The Money?

There is a lot Paola can do with $200,000. However, she already knows what she plans to do with it. She has been wanting to adopt a child with her husband, Russ Mayfield. This is what she plans to do with the money. It will help them in the process. 

“The process is a little bit long. It takes time. The idea is to be able to show them that we have a safe environment and a safe house for a new person to come here. But definitely that is going to happen. It’s not going to happen overnight because that never happened like that, I don’t want people to think that I just said that just because I wanted to win. That has been in my heart and something I’ve been wanting to do for a very long time. This money is definitely going to help with that.”

90 Day Fiance: Paola Mayfield - Russ Mayfield
90 Day Fiance: Paola Mayfield – Russ Mayfield

It seems that winning the show was surreal for Paola. She also plans on using the money to help adopt a child with her husband, Russ. Fans love that this is what she is going to do with the money. Adoption is an amazing thing and fans cannot wait to see them get a child. Fans of The GOAT loved watching the first season of the show on Prime Video. What did you think about Paola winning? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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