Fox News’ Gianno Caldwell Seeks Vengeance For Young Brother

Gianno Caldwell - YouTube/Fox News

Fox News anchor Gianno Caldwell is looking to avenge his young brother’s tragic death. He has launched a new organization that is focused on targeting “soft-on-crime” legislators. Caldwell launched the effort on the two-year anniversary of his brother’s passing. Keep reading to see how he plans to make sure the death is not in vain.

Gianno Caldwell Opens Up About His Brother’s Death

The Fox News host has appeared on the network since 2017. Since then, he has offered his thoughts on political, financial, and cultural topics. On Monday, he announced his plans for the Caldwell Institute for Public Safety (CIPS). June 24 marked the two-year anniversary of his brother’s death.

Caldwell’s brother was killed in a drive-by shooting in Chicago in 2022. The 18-year-old was “an innocent bystander,” the TV host shared. Inspired by the tragic loss, Gianno Caldwell was pushed into action. He wanted to create a group “dedicated to addressing the pervasive issue of crime and its impact on communities nationwide.”

Gianno Caldwell and brother - YouTube/Fox News
YouTube/Fox News

In a video announcing the group, Caldwell stated that the “United States of America is at a crossroads” when it comes to how we prosecute crime. “Violence and lawlessness are rampant and it needs to stop now,” he voiced in the clip.

Continuing, the Fox News host said that he gathered the best of the best when it comes to his team. Gianno Caldwell declared that they are “going after the soft-on-crime politicians. Any legislation that makes our communities more lawless and more dangerous the Caldwell Institute’s mission is to stop it.”

He further explained that his stance on crime has a personal story behind it. “On June 24, 2022, my life changed forever when my innocent baby brother Christian was murdered on the streets of Chicago,” he said. “Christian was 18, and excited about starting college. But on that terrible day, he became just one more of those 16,000 murdered across the United States that same year.”

Gianno Caldwell pointed out that every demographic has been affected by similar killings. However, he said that while his brother’s death was senseless, it didn’t have to be meaningless.

Violent Crime Is On The Rise In The United States

The statistics show that Caldwell is right about the rate of violent crime in the United States. In 2019, the estimated number of murders in the U.S. was 16,425. By 2023, that number had spiked to about 20,000 murders.

Gianno Caldwell - YouTube/Fox News
YouTube/Fox News

“Even in cities where homicide has returned to pre-2020 levels, it is still intolerably high, with some 20,000 lives lost to intentional violence last year,” according to the Council on Criminal Justice. Generally speaking, violent offenses have continued to be on the rise compared to 2019. On top of the murder rates being on the rise, carjacking has gone up by 93% since 2019.

The year 2019 is used as a benchmark currently because it was the year before the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, 2020 saw widespread social unrest throughout the country.

At the end of the day, Gianno Caldwell hopes that the team of experts he has assembled will help “ensure a justice system that prioritizes the safety and security of all law-abiding citizens.” His team includes Pam Bondi, former Florida Attorney General; Ja’Ron K. Smith, former assistant to President Donald Trump; and Dr. Drew Pinksy, TV host and board-certified physician.

Amanda Blankenship

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