Judge Judy Sheindlin’s Husband Still Sexy At 90-Years-Old

Judge Judy-YouTube

Judge Judy Sheindlin was on Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace? and they talked about a plethora of topics. The discussion eventually came around to her 48-year relationship with her husband and how she still finds him as attractive in his 90s as she did when he was younger.

Here is what Judge Judy had to say about her husband and his physique.

Judge Judy Still Attracted To Husband As He Hits His 90s

Former television star Judge Judy fell in love with her husband, Jerry Sheindlin, 48 years ago, and nothing has changed as they grow into their golden years. Jerry, also a former judge, retired 20 years ago, and Judy said he is still doing his own thing and staying in great shape.

Judith Sheindlin [Judge Judy | YouTube]
[Judge Judy | YouTube]
“We’re together a lot. Jerry retired about 20 years ago, but he has his own thing,” she told the talk show host (via PEOPLE). “He takes wonderful care of himself. And I sort of like it, because he maintains that physique that I fell in love with 48 years ago.”

Judy herself is 81, and she says that her husband, while over 90 years old, still has his sense of humor and is “still really smart and sharp.” She said those things, along with his appearance, help keep the flame bright after all these years.

Judge Judy and Jerry Sheindlin have not always had it easy. They actually separated and divorced in 1990. However, they remarried one year later, which she says is a “long story.”

Judge Judy Gives Her Thoughts On Keeping A Man Happy

After so many years with Jerry, Judge Judy has some advice on what she has learned about relationships. She said that most men are alike, and their needs are different from a woman’s needs.

Judge Judy [The View | YouTube]
[The View | YouTube]
Judy shared this:

“They like to be fed. They like to be cuddled. They like to have their alone time, that you take out the alone box and leave me alone.”

She then admitted that if you “feed them and love them up a little bit” plus don’t get in their way, they remain happy. However, she also says that Jerry’s physique is an important part of their marriage. She said that she and Jerry are both “surface people,” and they fell in love first because of their physical attraction. More so, Judy noted that people change as they age but can’t just “give up.”

“I choose to not give up; I choose to stay fit, so don’t even think about anything but staying as – looking as good as you can possibly look at this stage of your life,” she admitted. Luckily, she said she didn’t have to tell him more than once because he “loves himself desperately.”

What do you think about Judge Judy’s outlook on love and the importance of physical attraction? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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