Joan Vassos Dishes On Her Dream ‘Golden Bachelorette’ Suitor

Joan Vassos/Credit: ABC YouTube

Golden Bachelorette Joan Vassos knows exactly what she’s looking for in her suitors and she won’t settle for anything less. What kind of man is she looking for to live out her golden years with?

Joan Vassos Reveals Criteria For Contestants

Joan Vassos is currently filming for the upcoming Golden Bachelorette season. Before she left for filming, she opened up about her hopes for the dating show.

She sadly lost her husband to cancer in 2021 and shared that she misses the kind of connection she had with him. She hopes to find a second great love on the ABC show, but she won’t settle for just anyone.

Joan Vassos and Gerry Turner/Credit: ABC Instagram
Joan Vassos and Gerry Turner/Credit: ABC Instagram

Joan told Entertainment Tonight that she has a “long list” of qualities she’s looking for in her suitors. She’s looking for a “family man” who is “kind.” Joan Vassos hopes she can find someone who has the same characteristics as her father.

“My father was the ultimate gentleman. He opened doors, carried everything, hopped up when a woman walked in the room, was always polite, never cussed, just was such a gentleman. I am looking for a gentleman. There is something about that that is so charming and endearing to me.”

Besides kindness, she’s also looking for someone who lives an active life.

“I am ready for somebody that has a little sense of adventure and ready to have some fun. You only get to do this once. You only get to live once. It’s a big world and I’m ready to see it. I feel like I gotta get moving.”

Her Ultimate Turn Off

Joan Vassos isn’t asking for much, but there is one thing that is an absolute dealbreaker for her: rudeness.

“I hate someone who’s rude to a service person, a waitress or the checker at the grocery store. That really turns me off. Like, I’m walking away from you right now. Goodbye.”

Joan Vassos/Credit: ABC YouTube
Credit: ABC YouTube

Dream Golden Bachelor Suitor

With any luck, she will find a Golden Bachelorette suitor that checks all her boxes. She shared a surprising tidbit from her past with ET. Joan was an extra in the classic ’80s movie St. Elmo’s Fire.

She even got to meet and work with actor Rob Lowe. She admitted to having a crush on him, but also revealed a crush on an actor that would be the perfect demographic for Golden Bachelorette.

“I love Kevin Costner. Since Yellowstone, I just think he is the rugged, sexy guy. Kind of opposite of Rob Lowe, who’s kind of polished. He is so darn handsome.”

Do you think Joan’s criteria for her Golden Bachelor contestants are too strict? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Jennifer Havener
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