‘Counting On’ Why Fans Think Jim Bob Duggar’s ‘Reign’ Is Over?

Jim Bob Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube

Counting On alum Jim Bob Duggar has faced tons of controversies since the CSAM arrest of his son, Josh Duggar, in April 2021. It also resulted in TLC cutting ties with them. Since then, the 58-year-old has disappeared from the online world. Some Redditors even think that his “reign” is over. Keep reading to see why.

Counting On: Jim Bob Duggar’s Alleged Cover-Up

Many Counting On fans have been speculating that Jim Bob is trying to distract people following the second season of Shiny Happy People, where they may get mentioned again. Jessa Duggar suddenly went on a social media barrage, sharing consecutive updates about her family, which she no longer does. Jana also returned to Instagram after two years of hiatus, fueling speculation that something is up. It also sparked rumors that Jim Bob still controls most of his kids. But some Reddit users think otherwise.

Jim Bob Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube
Jim Bob Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube

Why Fans Think Jim Bob’s Reign Is Over?

Some Counting On fans on Reddit discussed why Jim Bob’s reign may be over. According to the poster, it’s noticeable how many of the Duggar kids are starting to step away from their beliefs. Some of them even wrote books about their difficult past with Jim Bob and Michelle, such as Jinger and Jill. It was also revealed that Jinger is about to write another memoir, which focuses on her journey to finding her true freedom after spending years with questionable core values.

Jim Bob Duggar & Michelle Duggar With Their Kids From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From @duggarfam Instagram
Jim Bob Duggar & Michelle Duggar With Their Kids From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From @duggarfam Instagram

It’s also notable that many of the boys, who are known for their loyalty to Jim Bob, are starting to defy their rules as well. One of them is Jason, who seemingly ignored all the rules after kissing his girlfriend, which is strictly forbidden during courtship.

  • “Is it possible that Jim Bob’s reign of terror over his kids is pretty much officially over? Even the kids that were sucking up to him a year ago were quiet on Father’s Day. Plus all the memoirs coming out they don’t seem under his gag order anymore. Maybe this is the end of Boob after all.”
  • “His reign will end when Boob does. Maybe they, especially the flying monkeys, didn’t post because they were with him for Father’s Day.”
  • “Yep. I think this man had a hard fall. When he did nothing to get Joshy-boy real help or protect his daughters. Then go on and make a tv show. Yep. He’s a fraud.”
  • “Not one Duggar offspring posted a Happy Father’s Day greeting to Jim Bob on their public social media accounts. I am sure the majority of them touched base with him via greeting card, email, a call or on their private social media accounts.

Counting On: Jim Bob Duggar Snubbed On Special Day?

Many Counting On fans were surprised by the awkward silence of the Duggar family during Father’s Day. It’s no secret that they often gather at the big house on such occasions. Jana even took to Instagram to share a glimpse from their family lunch on Mother’s Day. However, most of the married girls spent the special day with their respective husbands, while the majority of the kids didn’t make any tribute posts for their dad.

Michelle Duggar & Jim Bob Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From @duggarfam Instagram
Michelle Duggar & Jim Bob Duggar From Counting On, TLC, Sourced From @duggarfam Instagram

If you are looking for more Duggar family news, come back to TV Shows Ace for all your updates.

Michael Malley