Leaked Recording Exposes ‘Teen Mom’ Amber Portwood Assaulting Ex, Andrew

Amber Portwood-YouTube

A leaked recording is exposing Teen Mom star, Amber Portwood assaulting her ex, Andrew Glennon. She is going at him verbally and holding nothing back with fans appalled. So, what is she saying that has so many people up in arms? Keep reading for more details and to hear the audio.

Leaked Recording Exposes Teen Mom Amber Portwood Assaulting Ex, Andrew

Amber Portwood is already in hot water for the way that she talks to her eldest child, Leah. During Leah’s birthday dinner, Amber was late and did not care. Then, she was mad that her ex, Gary Shirley was concerned about the time as Leah had homework to do. Additionally, Amber wanted to show Leah her new boyfriend, Gary Wayt but her daughter did not care. So, she called her a “d*ck” and proceeded to fight with Gary. Fans and co-stars went after Amber for poor behavior and mistreatment of Leah. Days after this aired, Amber and Gary Wayt got engaged and then he went missing.

Amber Portwood/YouTube
Amber Portwood-YouTube

He has since been found but now, leaked audio shows how abusive Amber was toward her second baby daddy, Andrew Glennon. Andrew now has custody of their son, James and they live in California. He apparently recorded over four minutes of her calling him horrid names. At one point, Amber told him that she would “stab him” and called him a “fat piece of sh*t.” Additionally, she told him he was “dumb” and they had differing ideas over who was watching their son. She was looking for homes so she could leave but he did not know this.

It is disturbing, to say the least, and Amber Portwood is absolutely relentless. The Teen Mom star does not stop going at Andrew but what did followers have to say after hearing this?

  • They should’ve cut her from the show long time ago.
  • James babbling at the end is so f*cking heartbreaking. I’m so glad Andrew has custody of that sweet boy.
  • I do not understand why MTV keeps her on the pay roll.
  • When she called James “it” I felt sick.

Why Is She There?

Teen Mom fans continued to question why Amber Portwood was still employed by MTV. They noted she is not a mother and, if the roles were reversed, and she was a man, she would be done. More so, fans were disgusted that their son, James was in the room when this all went down. He should not have been subjected to this in any capacity. Lastly, no one seemed to want Amber’s mental health brought up as a defense mechanism as this was beyond unacceptable.

What are your thoughts after hearing this leaked audio? Should she be fired from the show? Let us know and watch Teen Mom: The Next Chapter Thursdays on MTV.

Amanda Lauren

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