‘Forbidden Love’ Details & Cast Of TLC’s New Shocking Show

Lindsey, Elmer-Forbidden Love-YouTube

Forbidden Love is the latest shocking show from TLC and the details as well as the cast have been released. So, what exactly is it all about and who will be jumping on board for the premiere season? Keep reading for more details on all of the freshman season excitement.

Forbidden Love Details & Cast Of TLC’s New Shocking Show

TLC has a shocking new show and it is called Forbidden Love. It is all about couples who are of different faiths trying to make their relationships work. Yet, they have their families who are not completely on board with any of this. So, can they have their happy endings, or will it all fall apart? Time will tell but for now, it is time to meet the couples who will be embarking on this journey. Laurie and Eli are polar opposites as he is an Orthodox Jew and she was raised Catholic. Though she is converting to be with him, is this too much to handle?

Eli, Laurie-Forbidden Love-YouTube
Eli, Laurie-Forbidden Love-YouTube

Elmer was raised Amish but his love for Lindsey has caused him to leave, but adapting to the English world is not easy. Plus, she is eleven years older than him, maybe a little too eager, and they have a baby on the way. Yet, they really want this so hopefully they can make it work. Catholic Ashley has married Muslim Mohammad and it all was a whirlwind. Together, they have a three-year-old daughter but Ashley is expected to convert. However, she is not sure this is the life that works for her.

Watch on TikTok

Finally, Tensa and Kris round out the Forbidden Love cast. He is a Pentecostal preacher’s son whereas she is Muslim. More so, she had been in two arranged marriages prior to meeting Kris so this is not sitting well with her future father-in-law. They both want their partners to convert but that is proving to be a challenge for each other and their families. So much so that they might throw in the towel completely and look elsewhere for love. TLC sure knows how to create interesting and out-of-the-box programming.

When Does It Premiere?

Forbidden Love is set to premiere on TLC in a little over a month so fans do not have too long to wait. It will begin on Sunday, July 21st at 10 pm. This is not unlike 90 Day Fiance where some couples have to adapt to their partner’s customs. Nicole Sherbiny did not like having to cover up for her husband and that caused her to leave completely. Others embrace it and understand this is what the culture is. Fans are a tad skeptical of the show:

  • TLC just produces anything 😭😭
  • This is basically 90 day but religion
  • why didn’t they have all these conversations before dating
  • A mess. Lol I’ll be watching tho 😂
  • How can I become a producer on this show ? Cause the drama behind the scenes sounds lit 😭😂

Will you be tuning in or have you had enough? Let us know your thoughts and catch Forbidden Love July 21st on TLC.

Amanda Lauren

One Comment

  1. Lensa and Kris – he pursued her knowing she was Muslim and is out-of-line allowing his father to disrespect her and her faith and hoping the family will force her to leave all she is. The old man is arrogantly rude, disrespectful and close-minded; he never tries to understand her faith but rams his fundamental views – even most Christians don’t accept speaking in tongues and charasmatic service behavior. If good people – one must accept the other in order to be accepted by them. Trying to anoint her with ‘holy’ oil is awful. She believes in God/Allah who is the be all and should be enough; muslims respect Jesus.

    The same for the Jewish mother – said it all when the girl’s mother called about the holiday and the Jewish mother said the other mother will need to get used to the girl never spending the holiday with her family after marriage.

    It seems each family seems to think the in-coming spouse must give up all they are and have known but are unwilling to compromise themselves, not seeing how unreasonable, opinionated and close-minded they themselves are and could actually do with some changes within themselves.

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