Fans Call Out Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Husband’s Red Flags

Gypsy Rose Blanchard-YouTube

Fans cannot help but call out Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s estranged husband’s red flags. Lifetime is currently airing Gypsy Rose: Life After Lockup which follows her post-prison. This includes her adjusting to married life but viewers are quickly seeing why the relationship fell apart. Keep reading for more details on all of the red flags pointed out.

Fans Call Out Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Husband’s Red Flags

When Gypsy Rose Blanchard was behind bars, she met Ken Urker, and the two became engaged. Unfortunately, he called it off, breaking her heart. Luckily, she had many suitors writing to her, one of them being Ryan Scott Anderson who had become intrigued by her story. The two met, he proposed, and they decided to wed while she was still locked up. Though her parents felt she should wait until she was released, Gypsy didn’t care. She was released after serving just 85% of her sentence and Ryan was there to pick her up. Cameras have been following Gypsy throughout the last few years as well as her life coming home.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard, Ryan Scott Anderson-YouTube
Gypsy Rose Blanchard, Ryan Scott Anderson-YouTube

It is now a Lifetime docuseries where she’s adjusting to being with her stepmother, father, and sister, plus being a wife. Just three months after her release, Gypsy filed for divorce from Ryan and fans are starting to see why. A Reddit thread was started to discuss all of his red flags displayed in the first two episodes of Life After Lockup:

  • I used to be on Ryan’s side but after the second episode, I see now why she left Ryan. Ryan has been showing red flag after red flag since the first episode

They went on to point out how Ryan grabbed the phone when she was talking to her parole officer as well as to be intimate right when she was released. Additionally, he got her lingerie when they first started dating plus told her not to eat in front of the paparazzi. They also feel he has gaslighting tendencies in the way that he speaks to her and can be very controlling.

All The Problems

There was a point when Ryan Scott Anderson was just hovering over Gypsy Rose Blanchard. She told him to stop but it seems he is not happy unless he is right on top of her. So, what did other viewers think of him and did they agree he was a walking red flag?

  • He also kept bragging about how he was the one to pick her up as opposed to her family, it was weird…
  • He’s absolutely disgusting. His constant babe baby babe baby shtick is so freaking gross and he has the personality of an wet sock.
  • He was so excited to tell the drive through worker “that’s Gypsy Rose Blanchard!” 🙄 like a toy he was showing off.
  • He gives MAJOR ICK and honestly predator vibes.
  • He tries to speak over her a lot – very dominating

For viewers and fans, it is abundantly clear why she ended the marriage. As for how she will officially exit is yet to be seen. Do you think that Ryan is off at all? Let us know your thoughts and watch Gypsy Rose: Life After Lockup Mondays on Lifetime.

Amanda Lauren

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