‘RHOC’ Shannon Beador Suffers Gruesome Attack

Shannon Beador-YouTube

RHOC star Shannon Beador has suffered from a gruesome attack and it is not from one of her co-stars. She is about to enter one of her most difficult seasons yet. Unfortunately, shortly after the trailer for Season 18 dropped, her life took a dramatic turn. So, what happened? Keep reading for more details.

RHOC Shannon Beador Suffers Gruesome Attack

After the RHOC Season 17 reunion aired last year, Shannon Beador ended up getting arrested for a DUI hit and run. It was not a good time for the mother of three who had also ended her few-year romance with John Janssen. She was determined to move on and make lemonade out of lemons. Sadly, things continued to take a turn for the worse. Her friendship with Tamra Judge fell apart and then, her ex, John, started dating RHOC alum, Alexis Bellino. Soon enough, Alexis was flashing their relationship here, there, and everywhere. Plus, Alexis and Tamra had become very close with the former returning to her Bravo stomping grounds.

Shannon Beador-YouTube
Shannon Beador-YouTube

Now, Shannon had to film with the woman who replaced her, a former best friend, and deal with her DUI issues on camera. Just a few days ago, the trailer for this season dropped and it seemed pretty exciting. Sadly, Shannon has not caught a break as she just suffered a gruesome attack and is trying to recover. She was walking her beloved pup, Archie, when he was attacked by another pup who was behind a fence. They were supposed to be on a peaceful walk but it all turned sour very quickly, as she shared on her Instagram.

Shannon Beador detailed the entire attack and showed two photos of Archie’s little nose. It was all cut up and sad. Fans and followers adore Archie, who was in the car when Shannon got her DUI. She was investigated when that happened for having him with her but was ultimately cleared. Immediately, fans raced to the comments to send support for the pup.

Riding For Archie

Upon seeing what happened to the RHOC pup, fans raced to Shannon Beador’s comment section. They sent love to Archie and shared how they would never let anything happen to him:

  • Should have been a sign up saying dangerous dog keep away – bad dog owner- poor Archie 🐾 he must have been so scared , hope you heal fully you beautiful dog xxxx
  • We ride at dawn !!! #justiceforarchie ❤️❤️
  • 😢😢😢 That’s terrible! Sending prayers for Archie!! 🙏❤️
  • Oh nooooooo I’m glad Archie is ok love you Archie get better soon buddy🐾💙

Hopefully, Archie feels all of the love being sent to him and has a speedy recovery. Do you think Archie has been through enough this year? More so, are you excited to see him on RHOC when it returns on July 11th? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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