Kaitlyn Bristowe Talks Continued Struggle With Body Dysmorphia

Kaitlyn Bristowe/Credit: Kaitlyn Bristowe Instagram

Former Bachelorette Kaitlyn Bristowe has been open about her body image issues. She recently shared a situation that triggered her body dysmorphia. Keep reading to find out what happened and how she dealt with it.

The Pressure To Look Perfect

Despite her fame and outward success, Bristowe continues to experience moments of insecurity and self-doubt.

As a reality TV star, she faces intense scrutiny of her appearance. The pressure to have a “perfect” body is especially strong on The Bachelorette where contestants are often shown in swimwear and formal gowns.

Kaitlyn Bristowe and Jenn Tran/Credit: Instagram
Kaitlyn Bristowe and Jenn Tran/Credit: Instagram

Bristowe has spoken about how these pressures have contributed to her body image issues. She has said that even though she is tiny, she has cellulite and other insecurities.

Kaitlyn Bristowe Talks Continued Struggle With Body Dysmorphia

Certain experiences have triggered the Dancing With The Stars alum’s body dysmorphia. Seeing unflattering photos of herself can send her into a spiral of negative self-talk and restrictive eating, for example.

That’s exactly what happened to her recently, and she spilled all about it on her podcast. She told Off The Vine guest Courtney Thomas all about it.

“I’ve had severe dysmorphia my whole life with my body and thinking it looks a certain way, or believing what it looks like makes it not worthy. I worked on that for so long.”

Despite her hard work accepting her body, Kaitlyn Bristowe still has moments of crushing insecurity. Such a moment came during a recent photo shoot for the swimwear brand LONDRE.

The reality star,38, modeled for the Canadian-based retailer’s recent campaign, and the photos were unedited, meaning she could see all of her perceived flaws.

“I didn’t want to eat for the rest of the day,” she confessed on her podcast.

Bristowe is not just a victim of body dysmorphia – she is also a fighter. She has called out body shamers on Instagram, telling her followers that she is sick of dealing with rude comments about her appearance.

Kaitlyn Bristowe/Credit: Instagram
Kaitlyn Bristowe/Credit: Instagram

Fighting Back

Kaitlyn Bristowe has come a long way in her body image journey. She shared on the podcast that she was able to overcome the negative self-talk after the vulnerable photoshoot.

“I caught myself in that moment. … I’ve worked so hard to love my body and get to where it is. But I stopped myself, and was like, that’s not a healthy way of thinking.”

The Bachelorette star will likely continue to be candid about her mental health and body image issues.

Can you relate to her struggle with body dysmorphia? Share your experiences in the comments.

Jennifer Havener
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