Lindsay Hubbard Says Carl Radke Was Prepping To ‘Villainize’ Her

Lindsay Hubbard

Lindsay Hubbard thinks Carl Radke was prepping to “villainize” her during the reunion for Summer House. In the first part, the two went at it. There are two completely different sides to the story. They both have their different versions of what happened and how the relationship was. It seems fans are getting to choose whose side they are on. Keep reading to find out more.

Carl Radke Calls It Quits

Carl Radke was the one to call it quits. He called off their wedding and ended their relationship. Carl has said that went the two came back from Montauk, Lindsay was throwing a huge fit. She was throwing luggage, glass bottles, etc. This led to Carl sleeping in another room for three days. However, at the end of the three days, he called off the wedding and ended it all. He had to pay around $125,000 in cancellation fees. Lindsay made him pay this due to him being the one who canceled it.

Carl Radke and Lindsay Hubbard
Carl Radke and Lindsay Hubbard

Lindsay Hubbard Accuses Him

Lindsay Hubbard has accused Carl Radke of prepping to “villainize her”.

“I don’t really like look at him with emotion, it’s just a body in the room. I think he told a lot of lies. I think it’s pretty obvious how much he was laying the groundwork and planting the seeds to villainize me.”

However, Carl took some of the blame for the relationship ending.

“I mean, listen, this isn’t all on her, it’s not all on me, I feel like we’re both really responsible for a lot of this.”

It is safe to say the two are never going to agree on what went down. Some of the women think Lindsay is saying what she truly remembered happening. She paints this false narrative for herself and truly believes it. This is very possible. Fans think there is some truth to what both of them are saying and it is not totally on one person.

Lindsay Hubbard-YouTube
Lindsay Hubbard-YouTube

It seems that the two will never agree on what went down in their relationship. However, Lindsay is in a new relationship and seems to be happy. Even though Carl may have some resentment towards her, he has said he is happy for her. The two were not a good match and the entire cast agreed that they did not belong together. What did you think about the first part of the reunion? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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