Producers Forced Scheana Shay To Mend Friendship With Tom?

Tom Sandoval and Scheana Shay

Scheana Shay has revealed some interesting things that imply her mending the friendship with Tom Sandoval was forced by the producers. Fans have seen Scheana struggle with forgiving Tom for what he did. Lala also attempted to mend the friendship with Tom, and it may have been for the same reason as Scheana. Keep reading to find out more about the issue.

Scheana Shay Struggles With Friendship

Viewers have seen Scheana Shay struggle to be around Tom Sandoval. When the cast went to Lake Tahoe, Tom wanted to do a yoga class. Scheana and Tom ended up having to sit back-to-back. This was hard for Scheana, and she started crying and had to walk away. She then revealed that she still has a lot of hate towards Tom, and she did not know if she could get over it. Since that issue, Tom had made an effort and Scheana remembered the guy she was once close with.

Scheana Shay-Instagram
Scheana Shay-Instagram

Was She Forced By Producers?

Now, fans are questioning if the friendship getting fixed was genuine or not. Scheana revealed she may have been influenced by producers to fix things with Tom.

“I know Alex Baskin has said that midseason, the show was not in a good place. It was you know, X,Y, and Z needs to happen, or we’re going to have a short season, and the show’s going to be canceled, and that’s it, I think Lala and I felt a lot of pressure after that day.”

The two did not want the show to get canceled, so they were willing to mend the friendship to keep it going. She also may have been influenced by Lisa Vanderpump.

“In a way, I think [Lisa] knew the heartstrings of mine she could tug on, and having lost a brother to suicide, having me lost someone very close to me from suicide, that is something I take extremely seriously,”

Scheana Shay, Tom Sandoval-YouTube
Scheana Shay, Tom Sandoval-YouTube

It seems that the reason Scheana attempted to mend the friendship was because a producer told her the show would get cut short if it did not happen. This did not shock fans as the show was getting boring in a sense. However, now viewers are questioning if any of the friendships with Tom Sandoval were genuine or if they were all forced in the same way. Regardless, fans now know that Scheana was not as open to fixing the friendship as they thought. What do you think about all of this? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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