Fans Clap Back At Khloe Kardashian For Insensitive Comment

Khloe Kardashian

Everyone knows that Khloe Kardashian and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner brood live a life away from the struggles of the everyday person. Recently, Khloe made a comment that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. So, what did she have to say?

Kardashian Lifestyle Is All About Glamor And Excess

Anyone who has been following the Kardashian/Jenner family knows that they live a lifestyle that the everyday working person could only dream about. As a family, they have the celebrity status and the bank accounts to essentially do whatever they want, whenever they want.

Each family member has the social media following and influence to make or break a brand just by mentioning it in their updates or taking a pic with a certain product on. In addition to that social influence, they also have the financial freedom to live a lifestyle that most of their followers only see in the movies.

Khloe Kardashian-YouTube
Khloe Kardashian-YouTube

Khloe Kardashian Slammed For Out Of Touch Comment

As much as fans love Khloe Kardashian and the rest of her famous family, every once in a while, there are moments when the rest of us see that they are not like the hundreds of millions of people who follow them, and that they live in their own bubble.

Recently, during an episode of The Kardashians, Khloe talked to Kourtney about her children, and how she did not have a live-in nanny to help with her two kids, True and Tatum Thompson. She then went on to describe everyday mommy duties that she does, like making her kids their lunches and more.

Khloe Kardashian and her kids: True and Tatum Thompson. - Instagram
Khloe Kardashian and her kids: True and Tatum Thompson. – Instagram

Later on, Khloe Kardashian goes on to say that she is “exhausted” without the help of a live-in nanny. This, naturally, rubbed a lot of viewers the wrong way. Most working parents can’t afford the help of a full-time nanny to help with their children.

So, the fact that Khloe complained about having to do a lot of the parenting duties herself really irked viewers. It was also a reminder of how out of touch the Kardashians are with the everyday struggles of the majority of their fanbase.

Fans Blast Khloe For Warped Worldview

Kardashian fans had a lot to say about Khloe’s views on childcare and how far removed her worldview is from the vast majority of people, including her fans. Another aspect that rubbed fans wrong is the fact that Khloe does have nannies around during the day, just not at night. Even that is something most people don’t have the luxury of.

Khloe Kardashian, Hot Ones, YouTube, The Kardashians
Khloe Kardashian, Hot Ones, YouTube, The Kardashians
  • One commenter said: “Folks, I’m exhausted but I have all these professional ppl on speed dial if needed boy what a rough life I have.”
  • Another commenter said: “Try that without any help plus a full time job. Parenting is exhausting for sure.”
  • A third fan said: “But she has a nanny all day…. something most moms don’t have the luxury of.”

For all the latest Kardashian news, come back again to TV Shows Ace for more.

Evan Morgan

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