Jax Taylor Has A New Girlfriend Who Claims She Is Pregnant

Jax Taylor

Jax Taylor seems to have a new girlfriend who claims she is pregnant. The two were seen out together having lunch. However, that was not the only time the two were seen together. Jax is still technically married to Brittany. Although, the two have been separated since January. Taylor is still currently living in the home he once shared with Cartwright. Keep reading to find out more about this.

Jax Taylor Claims He Wouldn’t Date Again

Jax Taylor claimed he would not date again after Brittany Cartwright. The two have been separated since January. 

“I’m not dating, I’m not gonna ever date, no.… if things don’t work out between Brittany and I, I will never ever date or get married again. My little boy is the most important thing to me. I love him so much, and I am getting emotional thinking about it. Um, no, no, no, no,”

Well, that did not seem to last long. He was seen out with Paige Woolen several times. The two were not only in a group setting either. Fans want to know how Brittany feels about all of this.

Jax Taylor-YouTube
Jax Taylor-YouTube

New Girlfriend Claims She Is Pregnant

Paige Woolen and Jax Taylor were at a party for their friend. During the party, Paige is seen yelling out:

“And I’m pregnant!”

However, she was sipping on an alcoholic drink. This was more than likely just a joke, but it rubbed several people the wrong way. Jax and Paige were also seen getting lunch together. The date last three hours long. Fans knew Jax would not stay single for long. However, he is not divorced, and fans think it is too soon to be moving on. He should have been working on himself and trying to fix his marriage. It seems the two are not going to be getting back together. Especially with Jax moving on already. How do you feel about his new girlfriend and her claims of being pregnant?

Jax Taylor
Jax Taylor

It seems it was just a joke. However, it was not funny due to Brittany saying she wanted another child with Jax. The two were struggling to be intimate as well. Paige’s comment seemed to be more of a dig towards Brittany. Fans do not like the new girl and how Jax is acting. However, no one is shocked. This is typical Jax Taylor behavior. What do you think about it all? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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