Blake Shelton Revealed He Is Not Spoiling Gwen On Mother’s Day

Blake Shelton

Blake Shelton recently revealed that he was not going to be spoiling his wife, Gwen Stefani, on Mother’s Day this year. Fans are dying to know why he is not going to. The two have been married since 2021 after they met on The Voice. Fans thought Gwen and Blake were struggling in their marriage last year and may eventually get a divorce. However, that is not the case for the two of them.

Blake Shelton Talks Recording With His Wife

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton recently came out with some new love songs. Both are known for their singing talents and fans want to know how the process goes for them both. Do they argue and get frustrated with each other? It appears they do not.

 “We’re patient with each other in the studio because look, we’ve been doing this a long time and when you’re in your twenties you can get in there and just knock stuff out and you never get tired. You can go until daylight. Now, we’re to the point where it’s like, ‘Oh my God, I’ve sung this thing five times. You got it yet? Are we done?’”

He revealed that he does not give her crap if she messes up and lets her take her time and go at her own pace.

Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani - Instagram/Blake Shelton
Instagram/Blake Shelton

He Did Not Spoil Gwen On Mother’s Day

Blake then revealed that he was not going to spoil his wife on Mother’s Day. However, it was with a good reason. 

“You know what? I don’t have to, because her sons have been incredible,” he said, adding that he’s often reminded the three boys of the significance of the day in the past, but they always have plans already. They’re like, no, no, no. We’ve already thought about it. We’re going to make breakfast for her, I always can kind of just take a back seat and watch these boys. They do an incredible job spoiling her,”

This was a sweet reason as to why he did not have to worry about the day. Her three sons had it covered, and Blake did not have to do anything or tell the kids to do something.

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton - TikTok
Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton – TikTok

It seems Blake did not have to do a thing for his wife because her three sons had it handled. This is sweet and nice that he did not have to make them do anything for her. She got to get spoiled by her kids and have a good day. Fans love hearing how her kids treat her on a special day. So, Blake did not fail on the day, her kids just had it covered. What do you think about it? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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