Kylie Jenner Gets Slammed For ‘Cringe’ Phone Wallpaper

Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner lives her life under a microscope. This comes with the territory when you’re part of the Kardashian/Jenner clan. However, fans noticed a specific detail with Kylie recently that has many of them cringing hard. So, what did fans spot, and why is it so upsetting?

Kylie Jenner The Youngest Billionaire

Kylie Jenner reached billionaire status in March of 2019. When you come from a famous family like she does, this naturally comes with a lot more opportunities that are not available to the average person. However, at the end of the day, you can’t knock the hustle.

Not many people can say they are billionaires by their early 20s. Since reaching that prestigious status, Kylie has done even more to cement her place among the rich and elite. She often collaborates with her other famous family members to promote various products and business ventures, as everything she touches seemingly turns to gold.

Kylie Jenner - YouTube/Hayu

Kylie Jenner And Kendall Jenner Team Up For Chic Event

Eagle-eyed fans recently noticed a key detail that had many cringing hard. Recently, Kylie Jenner joined forces with her sister, Kendall Jenner, to promote her new brand of vodka soda, called Sprinter.

Like Kylie, Kendall Jenner is also in the spirit business. Kendall has her own brand of tequila called 818 Tequila. Together, the sisters joined forces for an event in Las Vegas to help promote both of their products. From the looks of it, the event was a huge success.

Kylie Jenner-YouTube
Kylie Jenner-YouTube

Eagle-Eyed Fans Notice Cringe Detail, What Is It?

Eagle-eyed fans recently noticed something while Kylie Jenner was slinging her vodka soda drink in Sin City. It turns out, fans spotted a pic of Kylie with actor Timothee Chalamet as her phone’s lock screen background.

While on the one hand, this could be seen as a sweet thing, the vast majority of commenters found it to be a blatant attention-grab, with some even calling the whole thing out for being “staged.”

Timothee Chalamet is one of the hottest young actors in Hollywood. So, him being linked to Jenner is automatic tabloid fodder that keeps on giving. However, Kylie having a pic of her with Chalamet as her phone lock screen was seen as a bit much by many.

Timothee Chalamet, Kylie Jenner, YouTube
Timothee Chalamet, Kylie Jenner, YouTube
  • One commenter said: “Sorry, but this whole thing gives me weird vibes. Does she not keep her phone screen darkened like every other person? Just feels so staged.”
  • Another person said: “The wallpaper is cringe. To think I ever questioned if this was a PR relationship.”
  • A third person chimed in, saying: “Here we go again. Now it’s phone screen time. Time will tell what more she will come up with.”

For all the latest Kardashian, Jenner, and celebrity news, come back again to TV Shows Ace for more.

Evan Morgan

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