Brittany Cartwright And Stassi Schroeder Reunite After Fight

Brittany Cartwright And Stassi Schroeder

Brittany Cartwright and Stassi Schroeder have finally reunited after they have had a two-year feud. The two used to be best friends and they have children the same age. However, they got into a major fight and have not been friends since. Now fans have got to see them being in the same place for the first time. Keep reading to find out more.

The Friendship Ending Feud

Brittany and Stassi’s friendship ended in 2022. Stassi was getting married to Beau and planned a wedding in Italy. Jax and Brittany were two of their closest friends and were expected to be at the wedding. Cartwright and Taylor RSVP’d for the wedding and planned on being there. However, at the last minute, they bailed. They blamed it on not getting their son’s passport in time. However, it is unknown if that is the true reason. If it is, they should have got that figured out long before the wedding since they were such close friends. Stassi and Brittany have not been friends since then.

brittany cartwright instagram stories 2
[Screenshot from Brittany Cartwright’s Instagram Stories]

Brittany Cartwright And Stassi Schroeder Reunite

Scheana Shay and Brock Davies celebrated their daughter, Summer Moon’s birthday. They had a whole party for the occasion. Fans were shocked to see that Brittany Cartwright and Stassi Schroeder were both there. They were even in the same picture. The two were on opposite sides, but it is progress. Fans love seeing them interact again.

  • “What were Stassi & Brittany like? Did they talk at all?”
  • “Love that Stassi and Brittany are there too….this is so great! Happy Birthday Summer Moon!”
  • “Brittany and Stassi in the same picture, that’s something,”
  • “Awww I love all the mommy love from Lala, Stassi, and Brittany,”
  • “Stassi, Scheana, Lala & Britt what a crew,”

Fans would love to see the two become friends again. Lala, Scheana, Britanny, and Stassi could all be a mom friend group and viewers want that to happen.

Scheana Shay Instagram
Scheana Shay Instagram

It seems they were not buddies during the reunion. However, they can be mature enough to be in the same place at the same time as their other friends. The two put their differences aside so they could celebrate Scheana Shay’s daughter’s birthday. Fans were shocked when the picture of the four of them got posted online and they saw Stassi and Brittany together once again. Could the two become friends again now that Brittany is not with Jax? What do you think? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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