Boston Rob Mariano Reveals Prior Tough Potential Career Path

Boston Rob Mariano

Boston Rob Mariano recently revealed the tough career path he was going to take before becoming a reality TV star. Rob is best known for his time on Survivor. However, he is currently on Deal Or No Deal Island and officially made it to the final four. Fans know that Rob is smart and knows how to play a game. However, he proved his intelligence when he revealed what he wanted to do before being on TV.

Boston Rob Mariano Talks Game

Boston Rob Mariano recently talked about the game and what he expected it to be like.ย 

โ€œWe didnโ€™t really know what to expect, obviously, I watchedย Deal or No Dealย when it was on years ago and I was a big fan of the show but with this format, we didn’t know what to expect. So I drew on my experience fromย Survivorย andย The Amazing Raceย and other competition shows that I played, but at the same time, I try to keep an open mind thinking that maybe not everything that I know from those shows is applicable here. Obviously there’s no voting. There’s alliances, but what’s the accountability for those alliances because there’s no jury at the end? So I took certain elements, but at the same time, I tried to just be adaptable and adjust the strategy on the fly,โ€ย 

Boston Rob
Boston Rob

What Was His Career Path Going To Be?

It seems that Boston Rob was going to be a doctor before being on TV.

โ€œI thought I was going to be a doctor because I really like to use my hands and operating and that kind of stuff, fixing stuff. And I ended up going a different route into construction with a psychology degree and then ended up with a reality TV career. “

Fans know that Boston Rob Mariano is smart and intelligent. The fact that he had the ability to be a doctor means that he can handle anything during the challenges. This did not necessarily shock fans when he said this, but it was an interesting thing to know. It turns out anything he was planning on doing did not happen because he has become a fan favorite reality TV star. Viewers want him to take home the final case this season.

It seems Rob was going to be a doctor before he changed his mind. He then became a reality TV star, and his chosen career path went down the drain anyway. There are a lot of Rob Mariano fans, and they cannot wait to see how he does in the rest of the season. Now that his right-hand man, Aron, has gone home, it is up to him to fight for himself. How do you think he is going to do? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent


  1. Boston Rob is the main reason I watch the show. Hope hope hope he wins. Go Boston Rob!!!

    1. Boston Rob is the only reason I watched this show I hope he takes out Amy & Stephanie those two are so annoying and unhinged Stephanie being so aggressive for no reason and seeing that makes it worrisome she needs to get a hold of herself because, it’s not a good look. The hoot hoot chant is cringe and makes no sense when they all will have to cutthroat each other at some point. Calling Rob “Robmob” is also dumb when throughout it was basically him and Aron and imo was a smart way of getting through the game with less mouthpieces involved in the strategy. Boston Rob all the way to the end!!

    1. I could honestly watch Boston Rob dig holes in his yard while shooting the breeze with the neighbors. He and his family would make a GREAT reality TV show. Rob has a lot of smarts and he’s so mellow but stern and gets his message across without raising his voice. I just have loved him since he first appeared on survivor. He makes watching TV fun. Amber is one lucky woman. It also must be awesome to watch a show with his daughters and them witness the beginning of a lifelong love. Hoping you bring it home because the minute you leave the show, I am done watching it. He’s the only player, on survivor and Deal or No Deal Island, that doesn’t resort to backstabbing and name calling and if that’s the kind of gentle and caring hand he’s raising his daughters with, they will be wonderful adults. Who knows, maybe we’ll see one or all of his kids on one of the shows. Love ya Boston Rob…..โค๏ธ

      1. Rob! was carrying Aron. The last two weeks Aron could not do anything right. He can’t follow basic directions , which played into the others hands . Sorry he went home but better him than Rob. I really don’t know why HGTV hasn’t offered him his own show. It would be a big hit!

  2. i hope rob wins. there is only one of the ladies besides rob i would like to see win it cuz i dont like how the others are conducting themselves. i know its a game and they are playing a game but so is rob and there other lady and they are doing it with diginity and strategy. GO BOSTON ROB!!!

      1. he is such a gentleman and a very wise and plays the games like a backyard barbeque. your welcome to come but don’t mess with me you can’t put me down because I play fair, will do nothing to embarrass my family. I also love the idea of a reality show featuring him and his family. I think he enjoys the challenge of the game’s. I believe he would be bored doing the same thing over and over again. love you Rob keep up the good work.

  3. I m hoping Boston Bob wins, though , I have a feeling some kind of over dwelling on his part may go sour. Keeping positive and sly could be a winner. you Rock Rob…..Jersey girl here. Fuggetboutit 8)

  4. I feel Rob can handle his own; he’s better off w/o Aron. they are all strong players, may the best player win and let the chips fall
    where they may.

  5. In the moment that he leaves the show, I will also leave. He makes the show interesting and he has a great connection with the public. He deserves to ๐Ÿ† win.

  6. I love watching Rob play, and yes I want him to win. But, I don’t want that to be the end of his gaming career because I want him to play “The Traitors”. He would kill it on that show! ( Pun intended LOL).

  7. Go Boston Rob! I used to work at the same hospital in MA where his uncle and cousin were both surgeons, so itโ€™s a family thing.

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