‘Golden Bachelor’ Gerry Turner & Theresa Nist Respond To Critics

Golden Bachelor Theresa Nist and Gerry Turner - YouTube/Good Morning America

Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist announced their divorce on Good Morning America on Friday, April 12. Now, more clips of their breakup interview are surfacing, and the Golden Bachelor couple is addressing questions from critics about why they only tried to make it work for three months. Keep reading to see what they have to say.

Fans Question How Committed The Couple Was

Theresa Nist and Gerry Turner met on the inaugural season of Golden Bachelor. Nist accepted Turner’s proposal in September 2023 and the couple tied the knot in January.

While many people weren’t surprised to hear the news, others were shocked by their decision to divorce. Many fans had questions like what led to the breakup, and how did this happen? Most importantly, how they could make such a big choice after only being married for three months?

Theresa Nist and Gerry Turner from Gerry's Instagram page
Theresa Nist and Gerry Turner from Gerry’s Instagram page

Although Theresa Nist said that they were “100 percent committed” to making their relationship work, many people don’t believe that to be true. New clips from their breakup interview discuss what measures they took before they decided to call it quits.

The Golden Bachelor Couple Tried Counseling

ABC has been releasing new clips from the Golden Bachelor interview, as promised. The interviewer, Juju Chang, let viewers know there would be more from their chat on Nightline.

“What do you say to the nerdy love people like me who think, ‘love will find a way.’ How do you give up after three months?” Chang asked Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist.

“I think maybe it’s part of the fact that we are older and we do have homes and we do have children and we do have grandchildren – and I’m not saying it’s impossible [that] the love can’t overcome that, but it did play a major role,” Nist responded.

Credit: Gerry Turner Instagram
Credit: Gerry Turner Instagram

Then, Chang asked the couple something that many people have been wondering themselves. She asked if Turner and Nist would ever consider a “commuter marriage.” A commuter marriage is one where the two individuals don’t live together and travel to visit each other frequently. However, the Golden Bachelor couple never saw this as an option.

“Because we’re older we wanted it immediately [to] be together,” Theresa Nist said. “When you’re young you got the time to be in a commuter marriage.”

Turner and Nist first started talking about the possibility of a divorce three weeks ago. This was right around the time the news broke that the couple still wasn’t living together. Apparently, that fact had been weighing heavily on their relationship too.

They said that there wasn’t any fighting, but they had a very gentle, honest conversation with each other about what they wanted. The Golden Bachelor couple said they also utilized a counselor during this time, which Gerry Turner said was “very useful” in helping them navigate their problems.

Amanda Blankenship


  1. Good Evening.
    A first time viewer/follower of this type of thing . I became interested as a mature woman and relating to them and loss. I chose the two of them as a couple early on based on what they had in common. This, frankly, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It leaves me thinking there is more going on here than meets the eye. Please don’t say you love and in love when you don’t mean it. If you married in haste then so be it….but if you do love each other and importantly, trust each other, then you would figure it out. When one marries, you foresake all others….unless…

    1. problem is he is looking for someone with money to support him. Her prenup hopefully states he get nothing from her. He was in “love” with the other one until she let on that she had a security portfolio and good money and didn’t need him.

      1. Exactly. He was going to pick Leslie, until Theresa started bragging about her money. His eyes lit up. He’s a grifter. He signed the prenup because he wanted the lavish wedding, but any chance that he was going to stay with her went out the window because of the prenup. I don’t trust this guy at all. The other women dodged a bullet. Theresa was so obnoxious how she threw herself at him. She should be so embarrassed and ashamed of her behavior.

  2. I never believed she was the right pick for him. She obviously was not the independent type
    As you could see as weeks went by. I always believed she expected that he would move for her.
    This is something that should have been discussed before marriage…it was obvious. There was never any independence on her part……just the “cling on” roll. She wanted to be a star…that’s it.
    And he should have made it known from the beginning his roots were “home and his family.”

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