‘Farmer Wants A Wife’ Joy May Have Made Herself Brandon’s #1

Farmer Wants A Wife Brandon Rogers and Joy Mayfield - Instagram

When Joy Mayfield seemed to be shut down after Brandon Rogers opened up to her, it was a red flag for him. However, a recent conversation between the two may have made Joy a frontrunner in Farmer Wants A Wife. Continue reading to see what she said that made Brandon Rogers change his mind (and potentially even propose).

Joy Lands The Final Solo Date With Brandon

Joy lacked empathy when Brandon opened up and revealed some things about himself. As a result, he was considering sending her home, but the discussion they had wound up bringing them even closer together.

In the April 11 episode of Farmer Wants A Wife, Joy told Brandon that she seems detached and callous at times due to a medical condition. She shared that she was diagnosed with epilepsy as a child and has gone through a lot in relation to her health and managing medication.

“I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 12,” Joy told Brandon. “I used to have seizures in my sleep quite often. It was like the worst pain you could ever feel in your life. Like, I wouldn’t wish that upon my worst enemy.”

Farmer Wants A Wife Brandon Rogers and Joy Mayfield - Instagram
Instagram/Joy Mayfield

She continued, explaining that it was difficult for her mom to afford her medical care. More recently, her condition has been more manageable for her, but her overall experience has caused her to have a hard time relating to other people. She feels like she went through a lot on her own and finds it hard to empathize with others as a result.

During their conversation, Brandon and Joy wound up crying together. They finally shared the “real” moment Brandon was looking for. The deepened connection led him to ask her on his final solo date, solidifying her position among the other women on Farmer Wants A Wife.

Does Joy Mayfield Wind Up With Brandon In The End?

Having Joy open up to him in this way might have been the deciding factor for Brandon not sending her home. In fact, she may even be in the lead ahead of Grace Girard and Emerson Sears.

Farmer Wants a Wife Joy Mayfield, Grace Girard and Emerson Sears - Instagram
Instagram/Joy Mayfield

Grace is certainly the other favorite. Emerson doesn’t really stand a chance because she hasn’t had as long on the show as the other two women, but it’s possible that Brandon will warm up to her over the next couple of episodes.

After her revelation about her health, things are looking good for Joy. There is something to be said about crying together and Brandon may feel more bonded to her than ever. Their love story will play out over the final episodes of Season 2, but things look promising for Joy.

Farmer Wants A Wife airs on Thursdays at 9 p.m. EST on Fox.

Amanda Blankenship

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