‘Seeking Sister Wife’ Justin Ryan Cunneen Ran For Governor

Seeking Sister Wife - Justin Ryan Cunneen - TLC YouTube

Seeking Sister Wife star Justin Ryan Cunneen reportedly ran for political office in the state of Texas. It is being shared that he ran for Governor to try and get the current political figure out of office. Becky even did some campaign work for him. Keep reading to find out more.

TLC Fans Discovered Information About  Becky & Justin Ryan Cunneen

Becky and her husband don’t seem to be having much luck finding another wife. In fact, she doesn’t mind him meeting other women in bars because she grew up around a polygamous lifestyle. Season 5 spoilers reveal that they didn’t find another wife in the current TLC season. The couple were spotted on a dating site for polygamists.

Becky and Justin Ryan - TLC Seeking Sister Wife - YouTube
Becky and Justin Ryan – TLC Seeking Sister WifeYouTube

More news about the Seeking Sister Wife couple that didn’t focus on finding someone to join their family. Instead, the news popped up that Becky and Justin’s family were tied to Tony Alamo. Her mom, Sharon dumped Becky’s real dad, and her daughter was raised by Tony whose church encouraged minors to tie the knot. In fact, Becky was just 16 years old when she married Justin.

Justin Ryan Cunneen Ran For Governor Of Texas

12 days ago on Reddit, a TLC fan shared a Facebook campaign page set up by Becky in 2022. The original poster said,

Justin Cunneen for Texas Governor…This is Justin as in Justin & Becky. The couple where she asked a woman in a bar to date her husband.

Justin Cunneen Discussion - Reddit
Justin Cunneen Discussion – Reddit

Sure enough, a click-through to Facebook revealed a photo that showed Justin Ryan and Becky campaigning for voters in a bar. Notably, it looks like the one they used to meet a potential new wife on Seeking Sister Wife.

Becky and Justin campaigning in 2022 - Facebook
Becky and Justin campaigning in 2022 – Facebook

Starcasm checked out the story and this week, they reported some facts about the campaign supporting Justin Ryan. Actually, his campaign bio didn’t mention Tony Alamo or their connection to polygamy. He ran as a Christian for family values who would “champion the rights of all Texans.” Other information about the Seeking Sister Wife star included the following:

Justin didn’t make it onto the November, 2022 ballot for Texas Governor…The results from the election…included two write-in candidates. Justin was not one of them…He ran as an independent [and] Justin is included in the Ballotpedia list of “withdrawn or disqualified” candidates.

What are your thoughts about Becky helping Justin Ryan during his campaign to run against Greg Abbott in Texas? Did you think they would get more support? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your Seeking Sister Wife news.

James Michael

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