Why Maria Georgas Said No To Being The Next ‘Bachelorette’

Maria Georgas

The reason Maria Georgas did not want to be the next Bachelorette was finally revealed. Maria was the people’s princess and was who everyone wanted to be the next leading role. If it was not Daisy Kent, they wanted Maria Georgas. However, it was revealed that both of them turned down the opportunity. Daisy was not ready for the new experience, but Maria had more of a complex reason. Keep reading to find out.

Maria Georgas Gets Sent Home

Maria Georgas was in the final four of Joey Graziadei’s season. She was loved, hated, and everything in between. However, the majority of fans loved her to pieces. She had an amazing connection with Joey, but it wasn’t strong enough. Maria was ready to tell Joey she was in love with him when he met her family, but she froze. So, during the next rose ceremony, she pulled him aside to tell him. However, it was too late, and he had already made his decision.

Maria Georgas/Credit: ABC YouTube
Maria Georgas/Credit: ABC YouTube

Why Did She Say No?

Fans are dying to know why Maria turned down the opportunity. However, it seems like her “demands were too high”. However, Wells Adams seems to think producers didn’t want her because she could be unpredictable. He also went on to say that her demands were “ridiculous”. She wanted to have her phone the entire time, which has never been allowed. He also heard that she wanted her friend to be her lead producer who follows her everywhere, which again is not allowed. Some people felt as though Maria just wanted to have rights during her journey but was not allowed them.

Fans Opinions

Most people think it was Maria’s choice to walk away, but it has not been confirmed. It is more than likely the two not being able to agree on the terms and that was that. Fans gave their thoughts.

  • “I hope they get their *ss eaten out because of low ratings for this”
  • “For someone as popular and favored as her in a LONG time they should have at least tried to meet some demands.”
  • “Everyone’s ignoring one of the main reasons someone might want to keep their phone in her position. Right now the iron is HOT and it’s her time to strike, she’s probably getting all sorts of offers so it would be the absolute worst time for her to go radio silent for a few months.”
  • “Good for her making her demands. I would too if I were her. Makes total sense why it didn’t work out for either side.”

It seems as though Maria was not willing to take less than she deserved. Producers felt as though she was asking for too much, but maybe she just wanted some respect. Regardless, Jenn Tran will make an amazing Bachelorette, and fans are ready to see how her journey plays out. What do you think about Maria’s requests? Do you think she was asking for too much? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent


  1. She needs to see a shrink before she can make the commitment needed to make the show work. way too emotionally unstable.

    1. Totally agree! She was all over the place in the show and she just didn’t have any charm, seemed vary harsh to me. I’m glad that Joey didn’t waste any more time on here and I thought she should have gone home sooner than she did.

    2. Totally agree! I did not like her. And she kept like licking her lips. At the end of every sentence she uttered she would uptick her voice. Just so annoying. She didn’t know what she wanted. I believe she went on as some women and men do to either join Bachelor in Paradise or get more TV time or a podcast. That seems to be the way it’s been going for former contestants.

  2. Maria was all over the place. I went from not liking her, to liking her because they clearly bullied her, then to not liking her when she was playing with Joey’s feelings pretending to want to leave. She might have been a good lead, but she was too wishy washy at times, so best she isn’t it. She would have definitely made it interesting though. I think she would do best on another type of show. Wishing her and the others the best!

  3. I understand why Maria might have been popular but I never really cared for her. She seems like she is spoiled and narcissistic. It certainly would have made for great entertainment watching a couple dozen men navigate her churning waters (similar to the bottom of Niagara Falls!).
    Jenn just not a good choice. She is trying to show some personality but to turn the show into a drinking game?
    In reality, very few of these 20-somethings are ready to settle down. The show should understand why the Golden Bachelor was so popular: maturity. They should be casting the net a little older and focus on people in their early-to-mid 30s rather than mid-to-late 20s. Those 5-6-7 years make all the difference.

  4. I have to agree with Richard Creasi who wrote above. This show which I’ve been watching since Ryan and Trista needs to understand the maturity in the 30 somethings is a lot different than the 20 somethings. I agree that’s one of the reasons the Golden Bachelor was so popular. I’m sorry Maria didn’t get in, and I agree she should’ve gotten paid for what she’s doing… I don’t think what demands she was making was that much to ask.. I totally understand why Daisy didn’t go for it.. but I was looking for Susan from the Golden Bachelor to get in, I saw her in the audience !

  5. only watched last three shows (i think). if I had been maria id say no more. really missed on safety issues with the high jump.

  6. I don’t think that Maria’s requests were outrageous!
    After all, they have never been done before on the Bachelor , can also be have never been done on the Bachelorette !! They can make exceptions if they want to !! So kudos to you Maria for not giving in best of luck to you in your future. I’m sure there are some amazing offers out there.

  7. big big mistake Jen is a bore and very immature–also she was on the bad side on this past season
    please fix this–no one wants jen

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