Michael Jackson’s Son, Blanket, Suing Grandma Katherine

Michael Jackson's son Blanket and Grandma Katherine

Michael Jackson’s family has been in the middle of a legal battle for quite some time now, but recent developments have the family choosing sides. Blanket, Michael Jackson’s son, is now attempting to block his grandmother from using estate funds in an ongoing suit. He filed documents this week asking for the courts to stop his grandma Katherine from using the cash in MJ’s estate. Continue reading to learn the details.

Michael Jackson’s Family Faces Legal Issues

TMZ obtained the documents this week detailing the family’s legal struggles. Michael Jackson’s son, whose real name is Bigi Jackson, filed to cut his grandmother off from using estate funds to further the appeals process in another case.

Previously, Blanket and his grandmother were working together to stop the executors of Michael Jackson’s estate from going through with a large financial transaction that they were against. There is no information about what the transaction was, but it seems to be related to the decision to sell half of the pop icon’s music catalog to Sony for $600 million. However, the details have not been verified.

Michael Jackson's son Blanket - YouTube, Entertainment Tonight

Image: YouTube/Entertainment Tonight

Katherine presented their case, opposing the business deal, but the court did not rule in their favor. For Blanket, this is where the legal issue ceased to be a problem. His grandmother, on the other hand, wanted to file an appeal. Blanket doesn’t want any part of the appeals process. More importantly, he doesn’t want Katherine to use more money from his dad’s estate to move forward with the appeal.

Why Michael Jackson’s Son Opposes An Appeal

Although he initially agreed to file the lawsuit to block the transaction, Blanket does not want to be involved with the appeal for several reasons. He explains in the documents that the appeal has next to no chance of winning. So, any money from his father’s estate would essentially be wasted on filing an appeal.

Because he is Michael Jackson’s son, he has reason to be worried about the cash. After all, he is heir to the estate. His grandmother feels that the estate should pay for the appeal, but she doesn’t stand to lose a chunk of her inheritance like he does.


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In the most recent court filing, Blanket also asked that the court use “its best judgment” to provide Katherine with reasonable attorney’s fees that she racked up in the pre-appeal battle from the estate.

He agrees that she is entitled to some of the estate funds, but it was also revealed that Katherine receives a seven-figure payout from the estate annually. Michael Jackson’s son would rather his grandmother use the funds she receives rather than continuing to take cash from the estate.

A judge has not yet ruled on the filing, but it is causing strife within the family as they fail to see eye-to-eye on the matter.

Amanda Blankenship

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