Khloe Kardashian Shares Rare Photo Of Tristan Thompson & Kids

Tristan Thompson, Khloe Kardashian, KUWTK, YouTube

The Kardashians star, Khloe Kardashian, gave a shout-out to her ex-boyfriend and father of her kids, Tristan Thompson. Likewise, she shares a rare photo of the basketball player with their children: True, 5, and Tatum, 18 months.

Khloe Kardashian Is Still Sorting Through Her Feelings

While Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson have had a bumpy ride, they still try their hardest to jointly co-parent their two children, True and Tatum Thompson. During an interview with TMRW magazine in January, Khloe gave some insight into her relationship dynamic with Tristan. Bluntly, she tells them, “With me and Tristan, would it be really easy to never talk to him again and to just badmouth him or whatever? Of course. But it’s way harder to be nice.”

Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson continue to sort out what life looks like. -YouTube
Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson continue to sort out what life looks like. -YouTube

She adds, “It’s way harder when you’re really mad at someone, it’s really hard to sit in their face in front of your kids and be like, ‘Hi!'” But The Kardashians star wants to do better than that. “Trust me, that’s not how I feel every day. I had to learn to take control of my feelings.” But she is working hard to let Tristan be a dad to their kids and in turn, co-exist with each other.

Khloe Kardashian Shares A Rare Photo Of Tristan Thompson With The Kids

While Khloe Kardashian doesn’t send out much love in Tristan Thompson‘s direction, she made a rare exception. On her Instagram page, she posted a photo to her Instagram stories with Tristan and their kids. First, she shows Tristan sitting on the floor holding Tatum while juggling him and opening a box. Additionally, True sat across from her dad, eager to help pull out the black tissue paper and contents from a crisp white package. Then Khloe adds a birthday shoutout saying, “Happy birthday, @realtristan13.” Together, the three look completely happy to spend time on his birthday. Following the cute picture of Tristan and two of his kids, Khloe also posted Tristan with his younger brother Amari. She adds, “Your mommy is proud of you.”

Tristan Thompson with his and Khloe Kardashian's kids, True and Tatum. - Instagram
Tristan Thompson with his and Khloe Kardashian’s kids, True and Tatum. – Instagram

Tristan Thompson Has A Chance To Show Up For His Kids

Although Khloe Kardashian still has many unresolved feelings about Tristan Thompson having a child with another woman, she is attempting to move forward. Furthermore, in the TMRW interview, Khloe reveals she knows her weaknesses. She says, “There were so many times that my feelings got control of me and I was impulsive and I tweeted something or posted something and things that you regret. But in my opinion, I’ll never regret being a nice person.”

Tristan Thompson and his younger brother, Amari. - Instagram
Tristan Thompson and his younger brother, Amari. – Instagram

In many ways, Khloe is setting aside her feelings to “protect the innocence” of her children. Undoubtedly, she wants their childhood to be full of good memories with their dad. Additionally, she says, “I want my kids to have beautiful relationships with their dad.” Further, she recognizes Tristan is trying to be part of their lives. She says, “And if we’re blessed enough to have a dad that wants to be there and wants to show up and be hands-on, why would I prevent that from happening?”

What do you think about Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson’s relationship? Do you think Khloe is doing the right thing for her kids? Are you excited to see the new season of The Kardashians? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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