Do Ashley Iaconetti & Jared Haibon Want More Than Two Kids?

A man and a woman stand in frotn of the setting sun

Bachelor in Paradise couple Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon are expecting their second child this summer. Their first child, Dawson, will be nearly 2 1/2 when the new baby arrives. Having kids close in age has been what Ashley always wanted. Are they stopping at two or ready to have some more? Keep reading to find out what they have to say.

Do Ashley Iaconetti And Jared Haibon Want More Kids?

Bachelor in Paradise couple Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon are expecting baby number two this summer. She is due towards the end of July. After announcing the pregnancy on Amazon Live, they decided to go back to that platform to share the gender. They also shared many of their favorite products.

Ashley and Jared are having another baby boy. They did a little private gender reveal when they took Dawson to Disney World.

Fans were asking the couple a ton of questions. A big one was if they wanted to have more kids or try for a girl. Ashley and Jared spoke about the gender disappointment she felt during her first pregnancy but said this time she was okay. While talking about gender disappointment she and Jared both said they are done after having two children.

Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon via Insta 3

This time she thought briefly about the fact that she will never have a daughter. However, she got over it quickly and is now excited to have another baby boy.

They are both pretty set on just two kids and neither seems likely to change their minds.

Do They Have Any Names Picked Out?

Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon also revealed if they have any names picked out for their second son. As it turns out, Ashley and Jared do not have a name picked out for their new baby.

She shared that she liked the name Logan but her sister had an ex-boyfriend named that and said she better never use that name for a child. They also like Demitri which is Dawson’s middle name. However, since they ended up using it for Dawson’s middle name they won’t use that either.

While Jared is a huge Tom Brady fan, they also shared the baby will not be Tom. When the couple had Dawson she had it planned for quite some time. She was inspired to name him that based on Leonardo DiCaprio’s character Jack Dawson in Titanic. 

What do you think about Ashley and Jared only wanting two kids?

Stay tuned for more updates on her pregnancy.

Jamie Colclasure

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