Fans Slam Ariana Madix And Katie Maloney; Sandwich Shop Delay

Ariana Madix, Katie Maloney/Pump Rules/YouTube

Fans are not happy with Ariana Madix and Katie Maloney putting off their sandwich shop opening. Some even think Ariana’s acting was not up to par on last night’s episode. However, the two continue to claim they are having roadblocks in their journey with Something About Her. Katie and Ariana did not go on the trip to Lake Tahoe and stayed home to supposedly work at the sandwich shop. However, fans think it was only because they did not want to see Tom Sandoval and the shop was just an excuse.

Did Ariana Madix Take On Too Much?

Fans are starting to think Ariana Madix took on too much at one time. After Tom Sandoval cheated on her, she gained an array of opportunities. The two were together for nearly ten years before the messy ending. After the affair, Ariana went to be on Dancing With The Stars. She got to the finale but did not win the show. However, she gained a spot on the Broadway musical Chicago. Madix is starring in the musical as Roxie Hart and recently extended her time till April 7. However, while she is doing all of this, there is no time for her to help with Something About Her. This leads to Katie Maloney having to take it all on her own.

Ariana Madix and Pasha Pashkov from Dancing With The Stars, Instagram
Ariana Madix and Pasha Pashkov from Dancing With The Stars, Instagram

The Two Push Off The Opening

In last night’s episode, fans saw Ariana Madix and Katie Maloney give excuses as to why the sandwich shop has not opened yet. However, fans think Ariana was bad at acting and were not impressed.

“I don’t want wanna say that things at the restaurant are s****y right now, but someone did just poop on our patio. This patio has like really held things up.”

Katie agreed with adding:

“It’s held up any kind of permit that we could obtain to open. They’re gonna have to add from the second door that goes out to the new patio. They’ll have to add a little tiny ramp so it’s ADA-compliant. And there’s apparently other violations in the building, too.”

It seems as though the two of them continue to put the delay of opening onto permits. Ariana was even ready to bribe some of the city workers to get it open.

“There’s just so much logistical red tape that the city keeps throwing at us. I would ask, ‘Who do I have to b**w at City Hall to grease the rails a little bit?’ But it’s West Hollywood. They’re all gay.”

It seems as though the sandwich shop is never going to open. At this point, fans think Something About Her has lost its initial excitement and will just be a sandwich shop in LA if it does end up opening. However, Ariana seems to be too busy for the shop at the moment. How can Katie do it all on her own? Do you think it will ever open? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

One Comment

  1. karma is a bitch. There a important life lesson here. if he cheated on her, he’ll do it to you. Everyone knew Sandoval was a creeper, yet chose to be with him. Even the the last one he cheated on, he cheated on her too. my head is spinning. Smarten up. jeez enough with this poor excuse of a grown man

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