‘Teen Mom’ Kailyn Lowry Hints New Show?

Kailyn Lowry has shared a behind-the-scenes clip of her 14-year-old son Isaac on Instagram. Fans of the Teen Mom star believe that she is giving a sneak peek into what may be a new show. Continue reading to see what Kailyn revealed in the video.

Kailyn Lowry Shares Behind-The-Scenes Clip Of Her Son

The clip shared on Instagram was a recording of Kailyn’s laptop screen. In the video, Isaac is shown wearing a white graphic tee along with a number of bracelets, rings, and a necklace. The teen was also sporting a pair of clear plastic-rimmed glasses in the video.

Isaac said, “I don’t know how to feel about your chicken,” in the clip while he played with his necklace. In the background, you can hear Kailyn Lowry letting out a big laugh.

Kailyn Lowry's son Isaac - Reddit

Image: Reddit

The former Teen Mom star shared the video on Instagram and captioned it, “He’s dead serious.” She also tagged her 14-year-old son in the clip.

Fans took the clip and started to discuss what it could possibly mean on Reddit. One person suggested that she could be starting her own cooking show. “Sounds like it’s for the cooking show she said she was doing with Elijah,” the person wrote. “Why she thinks she should have a cooking show when she’s said she rarely cooks, I don’t know.”

“Kail, a cooking show? Today’s Teen Mom Entertainment is good. The things these girls still come up with every week,” another Teen Mom fan weighed in.

One commenter expressed well-wishes for the show. “If she is creating a show, I hope it ends up working out. SEVEN KIDS,” they wrote.

Several people took to the comment section to question what was considered a “show.” One person said that the word “show” is casually thrown around these days, while another said, “Is she thinking of joining the ranks of countless mommy bloggers who post YouTube videos of their family? Is that the ‘show?’ lol.”

The Teen Mom Star Would Have More Kids If She Could

Kailyn Lowry is also working on her podcast. Recently, she say down with Tyra Boisseau from TLC’s Unexpected. At one point during their discussion, Tyra said that she wished she could give her daughter a sister. She currently has two children, one boy and one girl.

Tyra’s revelation prompted Kailyn to reveal that she had hoped for the same thing for her only daughter.

Kailyn Lowry - Instagram

Image: Instagram/Kailyn Lowry

“I just got my tubes tied, and I’m so sad – it’s like a bittersweet feeling because the one thing that I would’ve always wanted if I had a girl was to have another one because I never got close to my sister growing up and I always loved seeing sisters who are best friends,” the Teen Mom star said.

She recognized that many people would think she was crazy for wanting to add more children into the mix. After all, she just gave birth to twins in November – kids number six and seven. However, the time for growing her family is over. She is focused on new projects and growing her business ventures now.

What do you think about Kailyn’s recent Instagram post? Is there a cooking show in the works? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Amanda Blankenship

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