Jenelle Evans’ Pity Party Over ‘Teen Mom’ Firing

Ensley Eason, Jenelle Evans-Instagram

Jenelle Evans appears to be throwing a pity party for herself over her Teen Mom firing which happened years ago. The mother of three, who started with MTV during 16 & Pregnant, is in her feelings. As many people know, she has no issue expressing any and all of her thoughts. So, what is she saying now? Read on for more details.

Jenelle Evans’ Pity Party Over Teen Mom Firing

When Jenelle Evans started at MTV, she was a pregnant teen, carrying her son, Jace. She has been seeing her boyfriend, Andrew Lewis but that fell apart and so did Jenelle. Eventually, her mother, Barbara took custody of Jace which was seen on Teen Mom. They had many ups and downs and then, Jenelle met David Eason whom she had her third child, a daughter named Ensley. The two tied the knot and it seemed much better until it wasn’t. He had some anger issues and that was ultimately Jenelle’s demise from the show and the network.

Jenelle Evans/Facebook
David Eason, Jenelle Evans-Facebook

David had taken the family dog, Nugget, to the woods after he claimed it had bitten Ensley, then shot and killed. Jenelle acted like she was done with him and a lot transpired from this situation and that included her being let go from Teen Mom and MTV. She went on to start her own YouTube channel and even joined OnlyFans but her personal problems never ended. Jenelle did regain custody of Jace in early 2023 only to lose it in the fall after he ran away three times in two months. Her husband was accused of assaulting Jace and was eventually charged.

Jenelle Evans-Instagram
Jenelle Evans-Instagram

Now, Bar Smith and Ashley Jones have been fired from Teen Mom and Jenelle Evans is making it personal. She is claiming that she came to MTV and asked for assistance. More so, she alleged that the show had a poor impact on her family and it was up to them to remedy it. Unfortunately for her, they did nothing and she thinks it is because she opted not to return twice.

What’s The Truth?

Jenelle Evans has taken shots at Teen Mom and MTV for quite some time. Yet, she appears to have wanted help from the network for Jace when he was struggling. Is it their responsibility to help her out four years after she was fired? At the same time, this is what Jenelle alleged happened. There is still MTV’s side to the story and the hope is maybe they did offer some suggestions but sadly, fans may never know.

Do you think that Jenelle had a right to reach out to MTV? Furthermore, did they have an obligation to help her out or was it up to her to parent? Finally, do you think she is being fully transparent about how this went down? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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