‘1000-Lb. Sisters’ Tammy Slaton Opens Up About Hurtful Comment

1000-Lb. Sisters Tammy Slaton - YouTube, TLC

Tammy Slaton is shutting down her haters on social media. The 1000-Lb. Sisters star is criticized for her appearance every day. She opened up in a TikTok about how some of the comments left underneath her videos hurt her. Keep reading to see what Tammy had to say and how she is coping with the things said to her online.

Tammy Slaton Shuts Haters Down On The Internet

On Monday, Tammy Slaton posted a TikTok responding to one of her followers’ comments. They asked, “Just a question not trying to be rude, but do you know if your chin flap will go away?”

Tammy Slaton - TikTok

Image: TikTok/Tammy Slaton

In the clip, the 1000-Lb. Sisters star clarified that it isn’t a “chin flap.” It is excess skin that she will have to have removed at some point. “It’s literally excess skin and yes, it will go away when I get skin removal surgery,” she said in the video. “And I cannot answer, before anybody asks, when I’m getting skin removal because I don’t know.”

Then Tammy let them know how she feels about comments like this underneath her videos. “My problem is, you say you’re not trying to be rude, yet you’re rude by asking and pointing it out,” Tammy told the camera. “Can’t I live my life without y’all judging me, making fun of me for every little freaking thing? I can’t duet a friend without y’all thinking I’m trying to bang them. I can’t be happy and smile without y’all judging me because my teeth are missing.”

The TLC star also added that these types of comments left her feeling hurt and irritated. She admitted that she often receives comments comparing her neck to a turkey, and comments about her teeth and face.

1000-Lb. Sisters Star Opens Up About Mental Health

“You don’t understand what people are going through,” she said. “I’m very insecure. I hide it because I don’t want people to think I’m weak and I truly am weak.”

Tammy Slaton - Instagram

Image: Instagram/Tammy Slaton

Toward the end of the video, Tammy Slaton pointed out that some of these comments could push someone over the edge and cause them to kill themselves. She opened up about being suicidal prior to her stay in rehab. “I just want people to realize that hating is not okay,” she continued.

This isn’t the first time Tammy Slaton has clapped back at haters on social media. Last month, she made another video addressing someone’s comments saying that she needed to “fix her teeth.” The 1000-Lb. Sisters star pointed out that comments like these don’t help her confidence. She continued, “I’m trying to better my life and better myself. We should be lifting up people.”

New episodes of 1000-Lb. Sisters air on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. EST on TLC.

Amanda Blankenship

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