Who Are The Ladies of ‘Deal Or No Deal Island’?

'Deal Or No Deal Island'

Keep Monday, February 26th open on your calendar. That is when Deal Or No Deal Island will be premiering on NBC. Based on the hit television show, Deal Or No Deal, Deal Or No Deal Island has taken “beating the banker” to a whole new level. For those who can not wait for the premiere, this is your chance to meet the ladies on this new reality television show.

Former Pageant Winners Competing Again

Based on the preview currently being streamed on Paramount+, contestants on Deal Or No Deal Island will have to participate in physical challenges in order to win the prize which is up to $200 million. The preview shows the participants struggling through mud. This doesn’t sound like something many pageant winners would want to do. Despite that, there are several pageant queens participating in Deal Or No Deal Island.

Jordan Fowler was Miss California Teen. She won that title in 2011. Claudia Jordan was also a pageant winner. She represented Rhode Island as Miss Teen USA in 1991, but did not win the crown. Fowler went on to be Miss USA in 1997.

There are other pageants participants as well. Miranda Harrison competed in the Miss America Pageant in 2013.

Alyssa Klinzing is an actual pageant winner. She won Miss Teen USA in 2013. Klinzing also won the Miss USA title in 2019.

Previous Television Experience

Although having experience on television is not a requirement to be on Deal Or No Deal Island, it certainly can’t hurt the contestants’ chances of winning. Many of the ladies on this new reality television show have such experience. That TV experience is as varied as the women themselves.

Jordan Fowler was once the host of a series on FOX. It was an environmental television series. She participated in the series as a teenager. Claudia Jordan has been in several television commercials. Those include Coor’s Light, Denny’s, Pepsi and Sears. Johnson is also known for work on The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

Kamari Love has participated in three different television projects. She was in Val in 2021, Miles Ryder in 2022 as well as Uglies. Stephanie Mitchell is known for Pretty Ugly which she did in 2009.

Additional Useful Experiences

There are other useful experiences the ladies of Deal Or No Deal Island can use to win the money. Claudia Jordan was selected for the All State Track and Field team in high school. She also participated in three different Junior Olympics. Jordan even finished third in the long jump at the East Coast Invitational. Kim Mattina participated in “Sequester Access” in 2018. This online game show had contestants voting each other so it appears she may have some experience with using strategy against others.


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Tell us what you think. Have you heard of Deal Or No Deal Island? Are you looking forward to seeing it later this month? What do you think of the women who will be competing? Can any of them win the money? Sound off in the comment section below.

Mandy Robinson

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