New Mormon Show Might See The End Of ‘Sister Wives’?

Kody Brown & Robyn Brown From Sister Wives, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube

Sister Wives star Kody Brown shocked viewers in the last few seasons of the TLC show. On social media, they expressed some strong feelings against him because of his aggression.  Some called for the show’s cancellation. But, will it die a natural death now that a new Mormon show arrives?

Sister Wives On TLC Nears Its Use-By-Date?

After Christine left Kody Brown and moved to Utah, TLC fans suspected that the show might end. Alternatively, they hoped for a spinoff but without Kody and Robyn Brown. While production seemed confident that enough stories from such a big family could keep the show on the road, it’s not clear if TLC fans will support more of it.

Sister Wives might be challenged by a new show because it is about Mormons. However, it seems a bit more over the top than polygamy like the Brown family. The news arrived on January 29 on Deadline. The outlet reported, “The streamer [Hulu] is currently working on docuseries The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives.”

Mormon Show About Swingers On Hulu

Swingers and Mormons might not go together in the same sentence, you might think. However, swinger Mormons exist, and on Reddit, people noticed that they seem to be gathering strength in Utah. An OP who moved to Utah seemed shocked by it.

Why are there so many swingers in the Utah LDS community? We moved to Utah 9 years ago, and have been absolutely blown away by the number of swingers in Utah, who are either active LDS, or ex Mormon. What gives? Is this a Mormon thing, or a Utah thing?

Sister Wives - TLC - YouTube
Sister Wives – TLC – YouTube

The consensus in the discussion is that more people are discovering they have more choices in the 2000s.

  • Just facing the reality that only having one partner your whole life doesn’t work for everyone and can be unfulfilling. And that freeing your partner sexually can be joyful and form bonds of love… So it doesn’t really feel like cheating the law of Chastity because it’s consensual and potentially healthy for the relationship…
  • I’ve been to a few clothing-optional parties both in Utah and other states, where a lot of the participants overlap with the swinger scene. I can confirm that the people at these parties in Utah have a much more “immature” feel to them.

Meanwhile, The Sun pondered whether the new show will impact Sister Wives. The outlet mentioned that TLC fans grow “bored” with the show. While they might keep on watching the OGs, they want Kody and Robyn gone, and it might be “the end of an era.” 

What are your thoughts about the new Hulu show called The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives? Are you surprised that there are Mormons out there who are also swingers? Do you think that the show might sound the death knoll you of Sister Wives on TLC? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your reality TV news. 

James Michael


  1. The Secret Lives show is already airing on A&E. I think there have been 4 episodes. Mostly historical about some of the polygamous sects. Not a parallel to Sister Wives at all.,

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