Anna Johnston Reveals Surprsing Relationship Status

Amber Johnston Instagram, Anna Johnston

7 Little Johnstons star, Anna Johnston was thought to date a boy named Kyle a few years ago. but she revealed her relationship status this week, and she isn’t with a guy by that name. Additionally, other boys she was associated with don’t feature in her life right now. So, who is she dating? Read on to find out an update from the TLC star.

Anna Johnston Ran Into Problems With A Boyfriend

7 Little Johnstons’ fans think it’s somewhat ironic that Elisabeth “Liz” Johnston was the first child to bring home a child. Liz was always considered the responsible daughter by her parents, Trent and Amber Johnston. Actually, they allowed Liz to move into her own place before their other daughter, who was adopted from Russia. Of course, that happened later, but she had to fight hard for the privilege.

Anna Johnston with a suspected boyfriend in 2021 - Instagram
Anna Johnston with a suspected boyfriend in 2021 – Instagram

Anna Johnston purchased her own home, and TLC fans were impressed with her investment. However, she rarely shows photos of herself with men. Fans did see her with a few male friends, and in 2023, TLC revealed her interest in a long-distance relationship with a boy named Topher. But these days, she seems focused on education, a career, and her businesses online. Is there room for a boyfriend?

7 Little Johnstons’  Star’s Relationship Status

A recent Q&A by the sister of LIz, Jonah, Emma, and Alex contained a sweet photo of her puppies. As her relationship with Topher seemed to have dried up, fans became interested in her love life. When a fan recently asked about her pups and a boyfriend, she revealed on Instagram stories that she doesn’t have a boyfriend. She wrote:

Haha no boyfriend [and the pups] are good good.


7 Little Johnstons - Anna Johnston - Instagram Stories
7 Little Johnstons – Anna Johnston – Instagram Stories

In the background of her photo, Anna Johnston also revealed a camera crew, hinting that the 7 Little Johnstons star will feature more prominently in their home in the upcoming season on TLC. The new season seems certain because other hints arrived that they might already be filming Season 15.

Spoilers For Upcoming Seasons and Anna Johnston

Season 14 of the TLC show probably focuses on Anna’s new home, because spoilers revealed that Bryce Bolden and Liz Johnston will probably reveal her pregnancy at the end of it. That means that Season 15 might debut baby Leighton. Also, fans want to find out if Liz and Bryce tied the knot. For now, it seems that Anna, always driven to succeed since her difficult teenage years, doesn’t look to get settled down with a  boyfriend any time soon.

What do you think of Anna Johnston not having a boyfriend?  Are you happy to see that she seems to have her priorities lined up like ducks? She’s done well with buying her own home and seems motivated to build a good career. Perhaps she will find a boyfriend once she hits all of the goals she wants in place before starting a family. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and come back here for all your 7 Little Johnstons news. The next season premieres on Tuesday, March 12, at 10 p.m. ET.

James Michael

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