Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Taylor Swift Dreams Dashed

Gypsy Rose Blanchard, Taylor Swift-Instagram, YouTube

Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s dreams of meeting superstar, Taylor Swift have been sadly dashed. She had hoped to go to a Kansas City Chiefs game now that she is a free woman. Along with that, Gypsy said she wanted to meet Travis Kelce’s girlfriend, T. Swift. That won’t be happening anytime soon and here’s why.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Taylor Swift Dreams Dashed

After serving eighty-five percent of her prison sentence, Gypsy Rose Blanchard was released from prison. She had been a victim of Munchausen by proxy which meant her mother, Dee Dee made her sick. More so, she made others around her, including doctors and organizations, believe that Gypsy was chronically ill. She had a medicine closet filled with meds, was in a wheelchair, and even had a feeding tube. Gypsy felt like a prisoner in her own home and finally, she had enough. She recruited her boyfriend, Nick Godejohn, whom she met online, to kill Dee Dee.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard- YouTube
Gypsy Rose Blanchard- YouTube

They thought they would get away with it as he believed he was saving Gypsy. He received life in prison while she only got ten years as part of a plea deal. While she was locked up, Gypsy got married and was paroled on December 28th, 2023. Prior to her release, she said she was going to a Chiefs game and hoped she would meet Taylor Swift. It seemed that Taylor had helped her through her incarceration but according to TMZ, that is not happening. Though she was locked up in Missouri, it is now time for Gypsy and her family to exit the state.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard-YouTube
Gypsy Rose Blanchard-YouTube

There is no clear-cut reason why Gypsy and her family had to leave right away but it could be her celebrity is posing a threat. It appears the thirty-two-year-old is relishing in her fandom, taking photos with those who ask. However, an insider shared that she is now going to her husband’s home in Louisiana and understands why she has to leave.

Bitter Pill

Still, it is a bitter pill for Gypsy Rose Blanchard to swallow as tickets to the game had been purchased a while back. Plus, she received merch for the holidays so she was amped and ready to go. Along with not being able to attend the game, it ruins any chances of her meeting Taylor Swift this weekend. Blanchard still got to party for a few days with her family and her husband, go shopping, and film some for her Lifetime special. So, maybe things will change down the line and she will get to meet Taylor. Timing is everything.

Do you think that it makes sense that Gypsy Rose was asked to leave and did not get to meet Taylor right away? More so, should she lay low for the time being as opposed to boast her freedom? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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