Mama June’s Hubby Losing Followers By The Minute

Mama June-YouTube

Mama June Shannon’s husband, Justin Stroud, is losing social media followers by the minute. More so, those who do follow him have noticed the dip and have no problem pointing it out. So, how many has he lost? Read on for more details.

Mama June’s Hubby Losing Followers By The Minute

Justin Stroud came onto the scene when Mama June returned from Alabama with a new love. She initially went to be with a man named Jordan who she dropped 50K on. Then, she met his good friend, Justin and the rest is history. Now, he has immersed himself within the family and her kids seem to have taken to him. They watched as he stood by June during Anna Cardwell’s cancer battle until she passed on December 9th. Since then, however, the family has caught a lot of heat. June is constantly on social media, either begging, airing dirty laundry, or talking bad about her fans.

Mama June-YouTube
Mama June-YouTube

As for Justin, fans do not care for how he acts as if he has been with the family since the beginning. More so, he was seen with June and her granddaughter, Kaitlyn, whipping out a wad of cash. Then, he denied Kaitlyn candy right after her mother passed. Now, according to a Reddit thread, he has drastically lost a lot of followers. No one wants to attend his TikTok lives like they used to. The OP wrote this of Justin:

  • He is Live and only 233 ppl now! It was 2.5 k but not now..😂

So, what did fellow Redditors have to say about the drop in followers? Did they think that there was something contributing to this drastic loss or were they, too, at a loss?

Mama June, Justin Stroud-Instagram
Mama June, Justin Stroud-Instagram
  • He also just said his watch is a cartier and pronounced it wrong like a damn fool. He says people hate on him for being successful. Successful in what?!
  • Good they all need to lose followers!!! Fkn scandalous a** people 😒
  • Who the hell is Justin and why would hen even have one follower?

Followers Versus Viewers

One person pointed out that Justin Stroud has a ton of followers which is different than those watching his live. However, if they are not watching his lives and giving him gifts and attention, how can he make money? Furthermore, someone else stated that he has kids and is back on his child support by an incredible amount. They suggested that he go and get a real job. Maybe this news is turning people off or the behavior that the family is displaying is also a contributor. Either way, no one appears to want to watch Mama June’s honey anymore.

Do you think that Mama June and Justin are going to lose their social media careers or are they just hitting a lull? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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