Are Kourtney Kardashian’s Ghosting Posts An Indictment On Travis?

Kourtney Kardashian, Today, YouTube

As the holiday season is underway, The Kardashians star, Kourtney Kardashian, is still keeping a low profile. However, she has started giving fans more breadcrumbs about life than she did directly after baby Rocky’s birth. Although Kourtney isn’t back to her normal social posting routines, she is sending a few tidbits about Christmas as well as updating her brand sites occasionally with some deep topics. Some fans believe she is pointing to personal struggles. And many think it may even be connected to a relationship strain between her and Travis Barker.

Kourtney Kardashian Is Distant

After the birth of Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker’s baby, fans became very nervous that something was wrong. Given that Kourtney had been very eager to discuss the baby during pregnancy and then went into radio silence after the birth. However, once the baby’s birth was confirmed and Kourtney returned to social media, although less frequently, fans resolved to wait for baby updates.

Kourtney Kardashian, Christmas Decorations - Instagram
Kourtney Kardashian, Christmas Decorations – Instagram

Even so, fans aren’t truly sure what is happening with The Kardashians star, Kourtney Kardashian. All in all, that seems to be driving them crazy not knowing. Without a doubt, they are eager to see Kourtney and Travis Barker’s new baby, Rocky Thirteen Barker. But in the meantime, with each small post, fans feel a little closer to understanding her while they stand by. Notably, Kourtney has dropped a trail of heavy subjects recently. For instance, she has posted about loneliness, disappointment, and most recently, ghosting. Furthermore, fans are suspicious that Travis is controlling, especially with the new baby in the picture.

Postpartum Introspection

Notably, Kourtney Kardashian has seemingly been pushing people away for a long time. In the last season of The Kardashians, she even said she is happier when she isn’t with her family. As the new baby arrived, she also put up more walls. Presently, she is enforcing a strict “invite only” for the baby. While limiting her social media interactions, she still shared she was lonely at Thanksgiving. Continuing she says she was missing out on activities to stay home with the baby. Notably, this time of year comes with added germs and viruses floating around.

Travis Barker and n8noface Hanging Out - Instagram
Travis Barker and n8noface Hanging Out – Instagram

While Travis Barker has been out visiting friends, Kourtney Kardashian has remained at home caring for their newborn. But her social postings indicate she may be struggling with disappointment and even feeling “ghosted” by others. Notably, she has delved into PMS and not the hormonal type, Perfect Moment Syndrome. And now, on her Poosh Instagram Story, she has added the topic – “Ghosting.”

Kourtney Kardashian Shares About Ghosting

In an Instagram Story on Monday, Kourtney Kardashian posted on her Poosh page a photo of two silhouettes leaning in for a kiss. On the picture were the words, “That is what NOT to do if you get ghosted.” The bio links to an article on Poosh that gives four-pointers for moving past the pain of rejection. Seemingly resonating with her right now, the article highlights these suggestions: 1) Nip Feeling Stupid in the Bud, 2) Don’t Take It Personally, 3) Judge Away in a Safe Space, 4) Ask yourself, “Where am I ghosting MYSELF in my life?”

Kourtney Kardashian posts on her Poosh page about "ghosting' - Instagram
Kourtney Kardashian posts on her Poosh page about “ghosting’ – Instagram

With the theory that Travis is controlling, many fans wonder if this is Kourtney Kardashian’s outlet to express how she is feeling right now. Mostly, fans are observing he is getting out and about and she is staying home. As she goes through the first few months of the baby’s life, it may be an emotional rollercoaster for her. But fans seem to worry Travis isn’t being supportive. Additionally, she is isolating herself and may be making matters worse. And with the lack of social presence, fans have a difficult time knowing how she, Travis, and the baby are doing.

What do you think about the posts Kourtney Kardashian is making? Do you think Travis Barker is controlling? Is everything okay with Kourtney? Drop your thoughts in the comment section below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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