North West Shows Off Over-The-Top Festive Decor In Her Room

Kim Kardashian and North West - TikTok

North West gave fans a look inside her bedroom last Thursday in a TikTok clip. The video panned over her room in Kim Kardashian’s $60 million mansion. In the clip, fans could see some of the over-the-top Christmas decorations, including trees and stacks of presents in her room. Keep reading to catch a look glimpse inside the winter wonderland Kim K has created for her pre-teen.

North West Is Living In A Winter Wonderland

The video was posted to Kim and North’s shared TikTok account. It featured the Ariana Grande’s “Santa Tell Me” in the background as it panned through North West’s room.

Although the clip was only 30 seconds long, fans got a good look at the stunning decor. There is no doubt that the decorations were over-the-top for one child’s room. However, Kim Kardashian is known for going all out for Christmas and other holidays, especially for her kids.

A pink-themed tree was front and center during the video’s opening seconds. This tree featured all pink decorations and a pink ribbon wrapped around it from top to bottom. Underneath the pink tree, there were several all-white presents beautifully wrapped and to the left, an Elf on the Shelf style doll made an appearance in all-white as well.

North West Christmas Room - TikTok

Image: TikTok/kimandnorth

There were two smaller silver and gold decorated trees close to the pink-themed Christmas tree. These both had silver-wrapped gifts underneath them.

That isn’t where the jaw-dropping decor stopped though. In between the pink and silver trees, North West’s desk was covered in fake snow. Throughout the fake snow, there were ornaments, various Santa cookies, and other goodies.

Two more Christmas trees decorated in more traditional colors stood on either side of North’s bed. Of course, her bed was decorated with Santa and Elf-shaped pillows as well as a seasonal plaid blanket to finish the look of the entire room.

North West Christmas Room - TikTok

Image: TikTok/kimandnorth

Believe it or not, two more Christmas trees appeared in the TikTok video. One sported an all-white palette while the other gave off pastel-pink vibes. More presents appeared underneath each tree featured in the clip. As the video wrapped up, it finally panned to a wall-mounted television that had three stockings hung underneath it.

The Pre-Teen Shares Her Mother’s Love For Christmas

Since then, the account has shared several more Christmas videos. There is no doubt that North West shares her mother’s love for the season as she has been shown in clips dancing and sporting an ugly Christmas sweater.

Another TikTok video showed off a special Christmas-themed hairstyle on North West. The caption said that the look was “Sia-inspired.” In a separate clip, North could be seen standing at the end of a hallway covered in holiday trees with her Christmas-y hairdo dancing.

North West Christmas Sweater - TikTok

Image: TikTok/kimandnorth

What do you think of the over-the-top decorations in North West’s room and the rest of her mansion? Is it too much? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Blankenship

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