‘Golden Bachelor’ Gerry Turner Credits Fate With Moving Decision

Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist via Youtube

The season finale of The Golden Bachelor aired Thursday night and fans saw who Gerry Turner decided he can’t live without. After sadly saying goodbye to Leslie Fhima, Gerry popped the question to Theresa Nist. She happily accepted and they have been going strong ever since. Since they both lived in different states, finding a compromise on where to settle down was important to them both. They did it and he believes fate played a hand in their decision. Keep reading to find out the plans these lovebirds have for their future.

Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner credits fate with the decision on where to live

Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner believes 1000% that he found his girl. Theresa Nist and Gerry are engaged to be married. In fact, they announced a live televised wedding event taking place on January 4, 2024. Bachelor Nation will on hand to watch these two say forever in front of their families and friends.

One big thing the couple has had to overcome is compromising on where they want to settle down. He lives in Indiana and she is from New Jersey. Since they are both close to their children and grandchildren it would seem making that decision would be hard. However, Gerry believes that fate played a hand in their decision.

The happily engaged couple spoke with People about their future and revealed they have decided where they will live. As it turns out they will not live in either Indiana or New Jersey. Instead, Gerry and Theresa have decided to make the move to Charleston, South Carolina.

Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist/Credit: ABC YouTube
Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist/Credit: ABC YouTube

Gerry said, “One of the things that I think fate played a hand in is the possibility of where we might wind up living. For the last couple of years, when my family gets together, I’ve talked about moving to South Carolina, and it’s an idea I’ve toyed with. And then in conversation with Theresa, a private moment, she’s saying, ‘Well, yeah, my son lives near Charleston in South Carolina.’”

He went on to say, “And all of a sudden it’s like, there’s a big problem that is gone. The issue of compromising on where to live and how to reconcile families and all of that is, it’s no longer an issue.”

Their families are bonding

Their families are bonding already too. Gerry and Theresa’s kids are already getting along and they all adore each other. Gerry said their daughters are already like sisters. In fact, Theresa said her daughter thanked her for giving her two more sisters.

Gerry also said he thinks of Theresa’s daughter as his own daughter now too. He started thinking at hometowns that she could be his daughter one day. It’s happening.

The couple aligns on a lot of things as well. In fact, they both admit they handle the money the same way as well. Both tend to be very frugal.

What do you think about Theresa and Gerry moving to South Carolina?

Stay tuned for more updates.

Jamie Colclasure

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