Nick Viall Reveals Pain Felt Leaving Pregnant Fiance, Natalie Joy

Natalie Joy and Nick Viall via Instagram 2

Former Bachelor and Bachelorette star, Nick Viall runs a successful podcast called The Viall Files. However, he had an athletic background at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. So, he probably thought he’d do well in Special Forces, World’s Toughest Test on Fox. Actually, he did, but he said that leaving his pregnant fiancée, Natalie Joy alone, made him feel some guilt and pain.

Nick Viall Learned About Team Work on Special Forces

When the former Bachelor star went on the tough Fox show, he knew that Natalie expected their first baby together. Explaining why he did that, he claimed that his motivation was to toughen up, so he could be the best dad ever. As he and all the other competitors discovered, the show is a lot tougher than it looks.

Nick Viall and Bachelorette alum, Tyler Cameron went into the competitive show with a feud between them. However, Tyler admitted that it was small potatoes compared to what they faced in Special Forces. In fact, they bonded along with Jojo Siwa, and if it were not for them. the forty-three-year-old might have left earlier.

Nick Viall Struggled With Guilt

Although the mother of his daughter was good with him going on the show, that didn’t stop the Bachelor alum from feeling guilty. Ahead of the finale of Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test, he spoke with People Magazine. Apart from feeling guilty about leaving his girl alone with her pregnancy, other aspects about that made things even worse for him. He said that knowing he could call it a day and go home to his pregnant mother was too easy an option.

Bachelor Nick Viall - Special Forces - Fox
Bachelor Nick Viall – Special Forces – Fox

The podcaster felt tempted to throw in the towel. The outlet cited Bachelor Nick Viall as saying:

When you got to your breaking point, you started thinking of reasons of why it was okay to quit. It’s like, ‘I don’t need to be here.’ And for me it was like, ‘Well, I need to be home and I need to be at the doctor’s appointment,’ and things like that. I just kept thinking about Natalie, and I knew I had her support. I knew that she wanted me to do well.

It wasn’t only Natalie that kept him staying on. He also talked about how Tyler Cameron and Jojo Siwa helped him through the darkest times.

What are your thoughts about Nick Viall claiming that Tyler Cameron and Jojo Siwa helped him to stick with things? Can you understand how the guilt could so easily have become a justification to leave? Are you glad that he stayed? Hopefully, one day, his child with feel proud of his achievements on Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test  Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and come back here for all your Fox and ABC News.

The finale of Special Forces Season 2 airs on Monday on Fox.

James Michael

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