Kourtney Kardashian Reveals Birth Of Baby Boy

Kourtney Kardashian, The Kardashians, YouTube

While news has been out that The Kardashians star, Kourtney Kardashian, and the Blink-182 drummer, Travis Barker, welcomed their new baby, the parents have been reserved on the matter. But now, Kourtney has acknowledged the birth of baby Rocky in a sweet tribute.

Outpouring Of Love

While Kourtney Kardashian doesn’t always share her love easily, she seems to be very open about her love for her husband and children. Recently, the couple has been preparing for their first baby together. Reportedly, baby Barker was due on Halloween. Then news broke on Nov. 4 that Kourtney had given birth. However, other than insiders talking about the birth, Kourtney and Travis have been fairly quiet following the birth.

Notably, information was released that Kourtney has a strict visitor policy in place for the new baby. And the source says that at the time, even Kim Kardashian had not been allowed to meet Rocky. Although Kourtney has been stingy with her love for some of her family members, the is no end to the affection she shows for her husband and “soulmate,” Travis.

Kourtney Kardashian Sends Out A Message Of Love

While giving a shout-out to her husband, Travis Barker, Kourtney Kardashian, also reveals she has indeed given birth to baby Rocky Thirteen. On Instagram on November 14, The Kardashians star posted a sweet birthday message to Travis. Saying, “To my husband, my soulmate, my best friend, my lover, my daddy to our baby boy, my everything,” recognizing the little bundle. Then continuing, “I wish you the happiest birthday. You make all of my dreams come true and I feel so blessed to have you by my side. I love you beyond words, forever.”

Along with the tribute were various photos of Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker. Particularly, she shares many pregnancy photos from before the birth of little Rocky. Within the slideshow, Kourtney and Travis both were casually wearing jeans and seemingly couldn’t keep their hands off each other. In the same fashion, Travis responded to the post, “I love you forever my soulmate.” But not all the fans were happy about the photos.

What Fans Are Saying About The Memo

Notably, many people have been concerned with Kourtney Kardashian’s absence from social media. In response to her recent post, many fans sent their congratulations and wishes for Travis’ birthday. However, posted along with her love-etched memo to Travis, she received some pushback for her photo choices. Some of the photos were more revealing than fans thought they should be. For example, one of the steamy photos shows her topless with Travis covering her breasts.

  • One commenter says, “These are the weirdest maternity pictures I have ever seen lol.”
  • Someone else quips, “These are types of pictures you just keep to yourself lol.”
  • Another judgemental comment says, “Enough with the trailer trash pics.”
  • Additionally, one user jokes, “This looks like a prison conjugal visit.”

What do you think about Kourtney Kardashian’s reveal for Baby Barker? Did you find the pictures to be inappropriate for social media or a beautiful symbol of the couple’s love? Are you ready for the newest episode of The Kardashians? Give us your thoughts in the comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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